lawyer confirmed slowdown...

Relax guys

Take it easy, everyone. This is getting a little heated up.


The point is whether the INS is dragging its feet and getting muddled up in its own web of rules without a human touch.

It does not matter, whether you came here on your own or this country lured you or whatever. So lets not even talk about how anyone of us landed up here in this country and in this forum.

Agreed all government organizations all over the world are slow, but this one takes the cake.

People are getting frustrated that the process which until recently was going a little faster, has slowed down. Standing outside the INS, it is but natural, that we feel there is a slowdown and that INS is not as efficient as it should or could be. But if we have more insight to the reasons for the delay, then probably some of our opinions might change.

And as forums are to voice our anguish and furstrations along with sharing valuable information and imparting knowledge, though, in a civilized manner, lets do that without taking things personally, because at the end of all, INS is not going to change because of our heated discussions. But if we continue to let our tempers get the better of us, then that might cause irreparable damage to this forum.

What say?
Didn't mean any personal offence

Didn't mean to do any personal attack to anyone. Sorry if anyone is offended.

Natural backlogs, long-queues are fine – these things happen. But when you adopt profiling, discrimination, protective societies, other injustices as a matter of policy, then it is wrong. What they are doing is called “calculated bureaucracy”. I know, I may be wrong or my opinion may be pre-mature.

All of our hue and cries are an effort to express our willingness to change this injustice.
Re: movement and community

Originally posted by goodsaint
... was an outcome of a movement. Congress passed that law and president signed because it had massive support of immigrant community. Another example, INS had to withdraw 30 days visitor visa rule due to massive mail/email campaign from immigrant community.


Please give more info on movement and community.
Where can I read about this?
No personal attacks please

Defeats the entire purpose.

My last post in this thread, because I feel this discussion is going off track. We are not getting anything productive out of this by personal attacks.

Having said that, regards, their writing the law and ours following it. Yea, just like they sterilize needles of lethal injections, or put wet floor signs on floors that dried 3 days ago, those are the laws, like it or not, you are gonna have to follow it.

About "They didn't ask me to come here". No they don't owe me a Green Card. But by God if a single person less or equally deserving than me got it, then they do owe me one. And they owe me one right now. End of discussion (from my side).

Laws are made to ensure fairness. These INS rules and laws donot meet those ends, and need to be dismantled. Anyone disagree?
ok guys,

chill...lets focus on the approvals,
I know the wait is a little frustrating......
btw I filed for my EAD and advance parole renewals last week, my RD is OCT2001......dont want to take any chances..

This is a good discussion

Apparently this is a good discussion. I agree with goodsaint as ardor of immigrant community resulted in amending some of the draconian laws. We must also send suggestions to our senators and congress representatives. Make your ardor contagious.
I sympathize with the guys waiting for approval for quite a long time. Wish you all for a speedy approval.
bombay boys..filed APrenewal 2 weeks ago..

will file EAD renewal next week. lawyer does not seem very optimistic about getting 485 approved in this month :(
I also have a oct 2001 RD , nov 2001 ND
tt tt

how long does it take for the advance parole to come thru these days? will be out of the country this month end....
There is inefficiency everywhere

INS is made up of people like you and I and others on this board. Some people are more efficient in what they do than others. So is some cases the decisions arrive superfast, in other cases it takes longer. So are other organizations including doctors, businesses and the like.
All in all, I think CSC is doing the best amongst all the 5 service centers.
I think people at INS are not less efficient than you and me. I, once, sent a fax to CSC. To my surprise, an INS officer called me because I put a wrong WAC number. He called again next day to confirm that he had done what I had requested...

People are not the issue here. The inefficiency is due to procedures (I gave couple of examples in my earlier post).
Better the devil you know ....

Inspite of INS being so throughly screwed up with their rules and regulations, I am loathe to see them change, even though there is an even chance that the change might be for the better. I have kind of gotten used to their red-tapeism and am scared that if there is a change in processing syle or order, it might cause some serious delays and backlogs.

Sure there are good people working for the INS (so it is rumoured), but a majority of them are low paid, minimum wage employees. How much of a skill set can you expect from them? I guess that is another reason why there is so much red-tapeism there. There is absolutely no immagination, no initiative and no reward to process applications. Infact the slower they process, greater the job security! :)

Don't mind me, I am just sounding off, frustrated with the speed of approvals. Approvals seem so far away it is depressing!

INS Process Millions of Applications every year : Still can do a better job

INS process million of application every year and if we look at the percent of the application they mess up with is not very high they may claim.

My case is also one of the victim of this excuse and 'case by case' adjudication.

I'm not trying to say that INS is inefficient or evil or unprofession etc. but even with whatever fun they have, they can do a better job.

For example, I must have had no problem with INS even if INS must have taken 2 years to adjudicate my case but what frustrated me is that the applications with my receipt date or around started getting approved 9 months before I got my approval. When you call IIO, you get standard boring like a recorded message 'Sir we process case by case, you please be P...'. when you see a person getting approval even though he/she filed the I-485 9 months later than yours, you being human being get frustrated, pissed off and depressed.

With the whatevery resources are available, INS Can do a better job without much of effort. for example people wont' get frustrated if they can do FIFO, first come first served. There may be some out of sequence because of lots of factors but one year out of sequence !!! Cant' be digested. And on top of it you have to listen 'Sir/Madam everything looks alright with your case. Please be P... . We adjudicate case by case' and you see your co-worker who filed the petition a year later got approved today !!!

As far as Immigration goes, this country's policy makers are very not stupid. They allow immigration because immigration is life line of this great country. If you look at the history, immigrants has been the one who made the whole difference and is the foundation of this country.

If someone says 'You are not invited' he/she is not aware of the fact that You Are Very Much Invited and Badly needed by this country.

So guys, I wish INS have some system in place to address those cases which has got unlucky or got out of sequence.

Good Luck.

PS: waiting for my spouse's approval. My approved on Sept 20th. RD April 2001.
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