lawyer confirmed slowdown...

tt tt

Registered Users (C)
said that INS is stuck on 9/1/01 for 485 JITs, said also that EADs are taking 4 months or more for approval, now I have to file for a 2nd EAD as well ! :mad:

I think we seriously need to start thinking of recourses to make this giant move if JIT doesn't move forward.

It's not impossible, Priority dates were and processing dates for certain kinds of applications are been stuck in dinosaur age for almost forever now. 485's could get the same way.

And yea, INS will do they as they please. I know it's unfair, not right, illogical, unethical, ridiculous, unbearable, but .. they will still do it.

Come to think of it, we've already waited for a RIDICULOUSLY LONG TIME !!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
CSC doing good job

If your case is progressing slowly it doesn't mean that other cases are in the same status. Please do not come to conclutions.

My lawyer told me that CSC is doing a good job and processing is pretty good.
I think there are plenty of examples supporting "CSC has slowed down 485 processing". No it isn't based on my example only .. CSC is *actually* screwed up.
take it easy dude

Silly Man,

you need to find a better way to let your steam and frustration out. I don't think your random statements help other people who are stressed and waiting for their approvals. You have to keep in mind that this board should be used for a) exchanging pieces of information and experience that we have, b) supporting each other through the ordeal.
Please keep it in mind, your whinning and catastrophical statements are not helping the others. We saw a very decent number of approvals in August, okay number of approvals in the first half of September and a few approvals during the annual inventory. None of those supports the posts of doom that you wrote in the last few days.
INS is not the evil empire as some of us believe, but it's just an underfinanced government institution that processes hundreds of thousands of applications a year. And they tend to use a round robin approach to multitask their priorities. Believe it or not, but I485s are not their only priority.

So take it easy, go for a walk, watch a movie. Your approval will come, hopefully sooner than later.


- Dominik
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My views on the situation

Even though I am one of the victim of INS (my I-140 took over 2 years compared to normal processing time of 3-4 months. Reason : nobody knows), I agree with the statement that INS is not an evil organization. The fact is that INS is not a "priority" for US Govt. (it never was and never will be).

But, slowdown (or usual slow pace of processing of even simple forms) is not because of underfinancing or overload of work. It is simply because INS has buried itself with its own regulations and procedures. Tell me, why is I-485 required at the first place. Why not grant GC automatically when I-140 is approved (I-140 form can be changed to accomodate other required information). An EAD can be issued to the applicants whose priority dates are not current at the time of I-140 approval. INS has made one step forward by allowing concurrent I-140+485 filing, but there are still two forms to be processed (and will not help reduce the backlog).

Moreover, why do I really need AP and EAD both separately. When I apply for EAD, why not put "Can be used as travel document" on it (they can still collect fee for AP, but no need for two petitions). Do you know how many AP applications are received by INS every year ?

These are just two examples. ... There are more....
i like the sympathy to INS

All said here is agreed to - definitely they are not evil but very inefficient. Hopefully none of you will have to go through what my family has been through thanks to INS still waiting on our AOS for 1 yr and 7 months. (RD March 27 2001, ND Aprli 16 2001)
My RFE reached them over 3 months ago. They lost all my daughters papers including the Lawyers details - and we had to redo and send everything agin to them. Guess when? - after 1 yr and 6 months.
I have heard of people doing their 2nd FP earlier ( a couple of years ago) - but again - ours is 15 months old and we have to redo.

So they may not be evil - but for a few families like mine - there is no justification.

And as i said earlier - no one should go through the ordeal. Oh and our Lawyers have given up too and have handed our "special" case to AILA to help out!

Exactly my point. All this inefficiency, and "I am only doing my job" excuse. Not enough money excuse. And whatever excuse. What is being done is unjust.
Approvals next week

Hi Guys i have a gut feeling we will see a lot of approvals in the next 2 weeks....Lets hope for the best and keep our sprits high...If we don't see any approvals in the next 2 weeks then we are in deep shit...(Guess all of us are already are in it)but what the hell..The world moves on HOPE...
EAD renewal folks

By the way - for those who are thinking of "ead renewal" - i would sincerely say do it as soon as possible!
I applied for my spouse and me in Jan 2002 for our second EAD - we got it only in Aug (it got approved in July - the card reached later)!!!
So never think twice about it especially if you no longer have a H1 to revert back to.
I guess not everyones case is not the same and ours has been "unique" - but better cautious than sorry - I have a few other friends who also had a longer than 4 month wait for second EAD's.
All the Best.
Re: Annoommen

Originally posted by Silly Man
What is being done is unjust.

Common!!! You asking this country to give you a residence!!!
They did not ask you to come, did they?
Please do not be rediculos yourself.
They can do what ever they want with you. Right?

Even though I understand all you feelings since I'm in the same boat.
Keep it going ...
Up. Not down.

I hear the same right-wing, anti-immigrant, rascist bully from your mouth "They did not ask you to come, did they? ".

They did lured us during the boom-economic period to get our service and more importantly to boost their economy. We had to uproot ourselves from our familiar environment to settle here. Now, they don't need us, so they want to throw us away. But we are/will face a hard time to resettle in our familiar environment again after so many changes in so many fronts.

If you look at the history of this country, you will wonder: how come they(US GOVT) are allowing immigration even now for the non-european people. The reason is a simple statistics: these western societies can not thrive or even survive without immigration. So, they need us, even though they don't like us or want us.

So, don't throw some bullies without going deep and knowing facts. I would suggest we read: "the peoples history of the united states" by Howard Zinn to get a clear picture about this nation and its governance, politics, history, immigration, native-indian genocides, slavery and others fatcs.
Re: Orsa1

Originally posted by Independent1971
I hear the same right-wing, anti-immigrant, rascist bully from your mouth "They did not ask you to come, did they? ".


So, don't throw some bullies without going deep and knowing facts. I would suggest we read: "the peoples history of the united states" by Howard Zinn to get a clear picture about this nation and its governance, politics, history, immigration, native-indian genocides, slavery and others fatcs.

:) I like you guys.
I like all humans. They only see the part of message they want to see.

I did not say that US is a good country or bad country. That they are right and so on.

What I said was "DO NO BE RIDICULOUS" saying that US
You live by their law.
They write it. You follow it.

Good law or bad law you still have to follow.
If you say that there are always ways to go around the law then please feel free to do this.

Even when you were lured then you still DID NOT HAVE TO COME here. If you did not know where you go and what are the laws here then it is you problem. No need to be ridiculous because of that.


Only for Orsa1

I have seen lots of stupids but none like you. Where are you from? Are you the one with counterfiet degree and feeling lucky that you managed to come here ?

"be inefficient" is a law? where did you read this ?
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Re: Orsa1

Originally posted by goodsaint
Only for Orsa1

I have seen lots of stupids but none like you. Where are you from?

I'm from Mars, haven't you noticed?

Are definitions like "stupid" allowed here in this nice message board where people gether to support each other?

I don't beleive in bad mouthing INS - it doesn't help. And yes - it was MY choice to come here and actually try for a GC, because i beleive in the better life here and more importantly a future for my children - and you know what - thats why i am putting up with all. But we have a right to our opinions.
In any other country if an American had to go through this - it would be a court case or taken as a human rights case for the amount of mental tension one has to go through.

My 4 1/2 year old daughter would have almost lost her legal status here because she had an RFE that INS took 80 days to resend since my husband and me didn't have valid H1's - we were on EADs. The mental anguish i went through a mother would only know and all this was for no fault of mine! My case is not unique - i have heard of worse horror stories.

So my point is there is no justification for inefficiency. If you and me were inefficient - we wouldn't be here.
But all said and done - there is nothing we can do. INS is INS and we have to put up with what is meant for us. The good part is it increases our faith that something good will come out of it someday. And i am sure most of us pray alot harder with a problem like this.

I did not intend to offend anyone. I just beleive we are all entitled to our opinions in which ever country you live.

So lets not not jump on each others throats when someone expresses their feelings strongly/softly or not at all.

All the Best for all of us waiters( long waiters and short ones too)
Well, I never agree when someone says "nothing we can do". If you remember, AC21 (which includes H1 portability, 180 days rules and many other people friendly laws) was an outcome of a movement. Congress passed that law and president signed because it had massive support of immigrant community. Another example, INS had to withdraw 30 days visitor visa rule due to massive mail/email campaign from immigrant community.

If you have issues or suggestions about anything, spirit of "good citizenship" dictates that you bring that to the attention of political representatives and officials. Lots of people writes to senators and congressmen/women every day. But, all they want is to expedite their own case...