Lawyer and company will not give approved I-485 notice


New Member
I got a courtesy copy of I-485 approval notice. But, my lawyer and company refuses to hand over the original copy. They want me to sign a 2 year bond with the company to get my I-485 approval notice. I have refused. I don\'t know what to do. Please help...
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Sign the paper - Make the a**holes FIRE you !! or Call INS and have them mail another copy to your house.

This is war - think like a warrior.
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But do you really need the orginal if you can get your passport stamped with the courtesy copy. If not then why bother with the orginal. Just curious.
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Check with your local INS if you can get your PP stamped with the courtesy copy. If they refuse, check with an immigration attorney about what options you have.
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I am not sure you can get passport stamped with courtesy copy. If thats possible as yeskay said, then why bother. Get your passport stamped and make sure your card is mailed to your home address. Get out of the company after couple of months giving a last minute notice. I am not sure how the new law is going to help you, but take your step with caution.
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I would go to the INS with the courtesy copy, I think (check with another lawyer) they do accept courtesy copy. If they don\'t then tell them your story, they will be trouble.

Good luck.
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I think even if you sign a bond it will be okay as there is no legality of bonding in america remember how much HCL(hindustan computer limited) had to pay its employees in USA for getting them to sign a bond. I am pretty sure bonding is illegal in this country.
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The term that they use here is a contract. Bonded labor is not right. But if you sign a contract then you have to accept and go by the terms and conditions of it. I would strongly advice not to sign anything. Its like signing up for a cell phone deal with 1 year contract wherein if you break it you have to pay xxx amount.
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I would recommend that you talk to an attorney regarding this issue. I dont think that your employer can ask you to work for them for ever since they sponsored your GC. This looks almost like a black mail to me. You should definetly talk to an attorney regarding this issue.

Keep the board posted in this matter.