Lawsuit has been filed

Strong work!! Many thanks to Rajiv Khanna and other leaders of the immigration portal.
Best wishes.
We must do our bit

We should do our bit. Most of us visit this page - including myself, but do not do much. I believe (for myself), better late than never. I see Rajiv Khanna as the leader of this movement. I would like to contribute.

If this is a class action law suite, let us be true members and contribute in:

1. Cash - $100 per member should not hurt anyone.
2. Time - Can we write to newspapers about this?
3. Kind - if evidence is required can we show up to describe our agony?
4. Awareness. Can we ask all the people we know that are suffering and communicate to them about this? A good way to start is to do a little by calling friends and colleagues and showing them this movement.

I could not resist and called up Rajiv to thank and congratulate him. This is indeed true leadership. The man rocks!!!

I'll try to get the San Diego Union Tribune report on that.. Outstanding job!!!

Response from San Jose Mercury reporter


I'm on deadline today but will take a look this evening.

Many thanks,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: MY NAME
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 7:42 PM
> To:
> Subject: Law suit against BCIS
> Hi Julie,
> A lawsuit againt Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration services has been
> filed on behalf of members of community (mostly made up
> of engineers, doctors and scientists). The complaint document is attached
> for your review. The document is self explanatory as to the essence of the
> law suit. Kindly review it and explore the possibility of publishing an
> article on it in San Jose Mercury News. Lets try to make the most
> irresponsible government agency (BCIS) a bit responsible for its actions
> (or inactions).
> Best regards
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Hold off on the money, Rajiv has set up a non-profit organization, we are trying to ask Sharmaji his accountant to take responsibility of maintaining the fund.

Once the basics are set up, we will also have some sort of fund raising goal as well as more details on where and how to send money. Stay tuned.
mercurynews info lists the name of the different reporters
There are a bunch of race and demographic reporters, 1 law reporter and 1 software and ecommerce reporters
Some of the relevant reporters and there phone numbers are listed below:
Garcia Edwin Race and demographics reporter (408) 920-5432
Frankel Mike Law & Justice editor (408) 920-5644
Kang Cecilia Race and Demographics reporter (408) 920-5066
Ackerman Elise Software and business e-commerce reporter (408) 271-3774
email ids are listed on the aforementioned link

Should we try sending more mails to them?
Contacting too many reporters in same newspaper may not be good. Lets wait for Julie Patel.

In the mean time lets contact SF Chronicle, Examiner.... we may also send it to CNN....
Hold up you guys!

Can we wait for Rajiv to give us the go ahead to contact the media?

We don't want to attract too much publicity from the wrong
people. We should be publisizing it only between people who count, like Congressman, other immigration communities etc. Mass publicity will attract too much attention from our opposition for this cause.

The core team has already contact Rajiv for more clear cut directions. And as soon as he gives it let us follow up.
Contra Costa Times

2 weeks I requested Contra Costa Times (same Mercury News editor) to publish an article about "us" and the lead time for I-485 approval.
So far no answer.
I might be luckier with the lawsuit news.
keep you posted.