Law offices - Are they interested only on their Income ??


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Why can't the Law offices fight for a reasonable time frame for the i485 applications. They are paid with decent fees for our applications. Then why are they simply watching our struggle with the BCIS.

Are they interested only on our fees?
What is the obstacle for them to fight for their clients?
Why don't they come out with their findings in BCIS on the delay?
Why can't they make this an national issue?
Do they have any association to discuss?
Are they a mouth piece of BCIS?

This country (USA) is fighting or peace keeping in another country for that people's freedom. But the people who are building this country are still struggling for freedom
Law offices should publish their case histories
so people can measure time , money spent on each
case and decide whom to go with.

the results should be audited

Smart business oriented law firms will do this soon
and get customers to switch to them
dream on...

AILA is supposed to be a lawyers association.

They talk to INS often. Also my cousin sister works for Immigration Forum - non-profit group - does free legal work for people wanting asylum and stuff. not all lawyers are bad. i agree the big lawfirms in the valley have absolutely no idea what to do to help here. they are just collecting.

but things are getting more serious in the labor certification side. people are getting RIR rejected - being asked to do non-RIR... which lawyers say is now taking 3-4 years. By that count life on AP/EAD seems nicer :)

if you want instant greencard, you should go to cuba, get cuban citizenship, then build your body, or build a submarine without castro knowing and take it out on the caribbean - do 90+ miles between havana and miami and you're set. US will give you instant greencard if you can land on US soil.

just a story...
Most lawyers yeah are like Uncle Scrooge with $$$ clouding their visions, like the jackpot slot....goes ding, ding, ding, ding...etc...:D

But again there are lawyers who are good, will help their clients fight for their causes like Mr. Khanna and Ms. Murthy...enuf said...EOM....
our fees for 485/ead/ap go towards lawyers salaries. the renewal fees go towards their bonus. Now if you were a lawyer would you not aim for a bonus. also you need to do nothing to get one.
