Law office of Samira Nichols


New Member
Law office of Samira Nichols

Has anyone had any experience (firsthand or otherwise) with this law firm for EB1A and EB2NIW cases? Thanks.
Have you gone with her already? I would suggest that you hunt around some more.

I have second-hand information that while she is a qualified attorney, she is not prompt at all about responding to clients' calls and e-mails. She seems to have a lot of good recommendations on her Linkedin profile but they seem to be dated a few years back - not sure why there arent more current recos from people who are now with her. Please post your query on other immigration portals as well before employing any attorney.
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I agree with amru.

I also have second-hand information that she is not prompt at all about responding to clients' calls and e-mails.

I would suggest you do some more search.
Thanks to all who posted replies.....

Can you guys suggest any other good attorney for EB1A filing...

@rathi42 - did you find a good attorney....
