latest update and aila dates dont match


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Hey guys,
Whats going on with the aila dates? The sep 17 update does not match these dates. Are they correctly referring to NSC? Has the NSC retracted the dates again?

Yes, there is a discrepancy between aila report (09/15) and USCIS update on 09/17. I see no changes for I-140/EAD/AP/485 in new USCIS update on 09/17. But Aila shows I-140 processing dates on 12/11/2003 whereas USCIS shows still stuck at 09/15.
Is Aila report reliable?
No I-140 being processed since 5 months. Did they completely stopped processing I-140 from last 5 months? Even no change in I-1485 dates. I wonder what's happening with NSC?
This is so amazing. I just cannot digest the fact that how come even teh top attorney's don't have a clue of what's going on in NSC. Everyone has his / her own interpretation. Can we not even get basic guidance from the USCIS. Are the immigration Attorney's not even able to extract thsi basic information from USCIS attorities. The AILA etc boast of having connections etc in USCIS and it is really suprising to see that nearly 5 months have gone by with no particular movement on 140 and 485 in NSC and here we have lawyers too who dont have a single clue or idea of what the NSC is planning to do. This is absolutely horrible state of affairs.
Eating my own words?

Looking at todays posting at the USCIS regarding the processing dates, I have to "eat my own words" as quoted earlier.

It seems AILA report was correct, which is confirmed at the CIS posting.
EB-2 I-140 has moved to 10/15/03.....mine was filed on 10/21/03....some reason to :)

Well, now please don't make my joy ephermal by telling me that those dates apply to non-concurrent filers only, if you do so, please provide solid proof!

aws said:
Is this the 1st time this discrepancy has been noted? You bet.... :mad:
the lawyers hardly care after getting their fees and submitting the applications, thats the deal, unless you bother them or something unusual comes up in the case.