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Senate votes 39-60 against cloture on specter/Judiciary committee bill. 60 yes votes were needed.

That is the latest guys.
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Off the floor, Senators are working on a compromise plan from senators Martinez and Hagel.
It's not over yet.
They are working on a compromise offered by Martinez & Hagel.
There will be voting on this tomorrow again, the last day.
Hopefully it will pass with our issues (EB retrogression).
Lx95 said:
It's not over yet.
They are working on a compromise offered by Martinez & Hagel.
There will be voting on this tomorrow again, the last day.
Hopefully it will pass with our issues (EB retrogression).

Good luck, to all of us. Offer prayers to God.
Goes on to show that the senators and congressmen have no clue about the problems faced by the EB filers.
The only way the EB related reforms can pass is if it goes unnoticed and ride along with the illigal and H1 stuff.
I dont know what to think.

Wait and watch. Probably tommorow or in a week I will know if I have to prepare for the long haul or not.

C-Span2 live continues..

Senate votes against cutting off debate on the Specter substitute amendment and also against Martinez/Hagel amendment.
Procedural vote is going on Frist's bill.
This could determine whether immigration debate moves forward in the senate.

Wait for the voting results.
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Senate votes 36-62 against cloture on Frist's bill.
Debate is going on....
It will not be decided today.
They might discuss it after the recess (2 weeks later).
Chances are bright that it will be killed :)
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Lx95 said:
Senate votes 36-62 against cloture on Frist's bill.
Debate is going on....
It will not be decided today.
They might discuss it after the recess.
Chances are bright that it will be killed :)
From the discussion in senate yesterday and today I think they will not allow the bill to pass senate. This is a huge political issue among them. Just my 2 cents. :(
We are the real victims here.
Last time we were sabotaged by the budget bill, and now with
the illegal immigrants.

The Senate action complicates and could ultimately doom efforts to pass comprehensive reform legislation in this election year. The deal had been struck in the face of opposition by some Republicans who said a plan to give some of the 11 million illegal immigrants a path to U.S. citizenship was amnesty and would reward them for breaking U.S. immigration laws.

Both sides blamed each other for the stalemate.

"A lot of people are asking what happened between the optimism of yesterday morning ... and this morning where it looks like everything has been obstructed, stonewalled," said Senate Majority Bill Frist, a Tennessee Republican.

"This is no place for stonewalling or obstruction," said Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada. "Yet that's where we are."

Lawmakers planned to leave Friday for a two-week break and it was unclear when the Senate would return to the legislation.
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