Latest NSC I485 Processing time

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NSC processing 05/01/01 cases as per

Suppose RD and ND is in May 2001, What if he/she haven\'t got FP?

Will the application be pending? Please clarify!
FP is very very required

If you havent got FP then your application is still pending. You may call and speak to an IIO.
NSC has to show report card to Washington. Its another tactic. My RD 12/19/2000. WHere is the approv

Yes, Application will remain pending


These processing time usually does not have much meaning. Few lucky ones have got approved who has their RD & ND in 03/01 or 04/01 or 05/01.

But for majority of others who has their RD & ND before 05/01/01, their applications are still pending. So this processing time is usually not very helpful.

As far as your question goes, answer is Yes, your application will remain pending till you do your FPs.

RD 04/04 ND 04/20 waiting for FP

Is there anyone in the same boat as me....., tried calling IIO and was of no help.
3 weeks they were processing June 2000 cases as per senator\'s office in chicago

3 weeks they were processing June 2000 cases as per senator\'s office in chicago.

This whole system works illogically.
Question for Rk2


Can you please give more details of your correspondence with Senator?

What did you tell senator?
When did senator contacted NSC?
What is the response of NSC on your case?
Did senator was able to find out when your case will be reviewed?

In last 2-3 days I have seen lot of approvals in April 01 & May 01 that means some officers at NSC are working on April 01/May 01 cases.

Pardon me for asking so many questions, but I am thinking of taking a help from Senator\'s office if I do not hear from NSC soon.

I am in the same boat as you. RD 4/3/200, ND 4/18/2001 NO FP

I have post my detail here two hours ago.
chicago senator experience?

has anyone contacted chicago senator/congressman?
whats the procedure for contacting them, is writing a
letter enough or do we need to make an appointment for it?
any pointers will really help.
Also among all this guys who is the best person to go to?
Answers to questions

Can you please give more details of your correspondence with Senator?
We e-mailed senator Fitgzerald\'s ang Congressman Kirk\'s offices.

What did you tell senator?
We told them about the case being long (really long) over due.

When did senator contacted NSC?
They contact NSC on a daily basis and they have a lot of such cases and its FIFO basis or some other basis that I am not aware of.

What is the response of NSC on your case?
According to congressman\'s office, wait for more time.
According to senator\'s office (And the lady was very very very rude to us), INS Nebraska is processing June 2000 cases. (Can you believe it???, BIG FAT LIE.) All this happend only 3 a month ago.

Did senator was able to find out when your case will be reviewed?
No information on this
Thanks a lot rk2

May be your first senator is not very helpful, how about trying second senator? Each state has 2 senators. May be he will be helpful to you. But please don\'t be discouraged by the reply given to you by senator\'s office. I am sure things will work out for you.

Thanks for your input. I am also going to wait for another 2 weeks & then planning to contact congressman & senator.

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I called the second senator\'s office today and theybhave asked me to write them a letter (e-mail would be slower in getting response it seems). I am mailing it today.

Thanks for the encouragement.
chicago senator

i did contact both senators and congress man in chicago
asked me to mail the letter and will look into it.
keeping my fingers crossed here
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Is it okay to contact both senators (2) and congressman? Does INS feel the pressure or do they just get frustrated and transfer the case to local INS and it sits there for several months before being called for an interview.
