Latest news from IIO though dissapointing !!!!!!!Just called IIO at 3.30 PM


Registered Users (C)
He said that NSC is working on old/rfe cases and will be on that for atleast 3-4 months. He has also said that they will only take up any new cases after clearing the backlog & RFE cases.

It seems like we guys have to wait a while. These guys are really crazy.
It sucks !!!!!!!!
Masti, your are lying

I remember you. In October/November you had posted that your case has been approved. Here the url which you posted.

MASTI "Yahoooooooo !!! Heard those wonderful words of magic (RD Mar 2001)" 11/9/01 4:16pm

Why do you want to make sick jokes like this? People on this board has legitimate concerns/worries. If you can not contribute positively then get off this board.

You sick guy! Somebody for sure will play a WORST trick on you, and there will be nobody to console

going by ids who have posted earlier...

there\'s a sam1105 who\'s posted "rejected",etc..and who ofcourse we all believe..and yet there\'s a sam1105 in VSC,who has also got his ppt stamped...hmm..are new user ids being created with the same "ID"???
if u click on sam1105 \'s post in NSC,and then look at the earlier posts,u see the passport stamped post
regarding THIS post,I TOTALLY agree..whether an IIO said this or not...I agree with Moorkath
I think this web site has some tech issue to be resolved

since I\'ve seen some posters complained about they were using others\' name. ID database lookup with cookies?