Latest JIT California Service Center Processing Time Report !!!!!


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CSC Latest JIT

Here we go again.

Good news is JIT for I-485 Employment-based is on "11/16/2001".

Does not get any confidence on CSC as there have been no approvals. and JIT is moving.

B.S CSC!!!!!

CSC dont know what going on.

Without any progess on approvals the I-485 Employment-based
is on "11/16/2001".

What !! This cannot be true !!!

I had done all preperations that it was going to move to April of 2001 this time considering the direction of the dates taken by CSC over the last few weeks.

I would still wait for the dates to stabilize and come to a consistent stage before accepting the date.

Also again I repeat again i will have to convince myself that i will get GC someday ......

This is called "CSC na jeena thge na marna thege" i.e. CSC will not let us live nor let us die

Hoping against hope that this date is true:confused:
Even after your death CSC will send a RFE( probably after talking to IIO number of times) to your lawyer asking for death certificate so be ready for that. Or get a death certificate in English before you die.
I personally like to see the JIT move forward, fake or not fake. Now if we see approvals within feb, we can be sure that this won't roll back in march.

- SM
Just a dream that will not come true indeed in case of CSC:

All I-485 apps till Nov 16 already processed and approved (on paper).
The officers are waiting for the signal to commit the transactions to the Status DB :D :D :D
dates going backwards....

Earlier in the morning when I checked the dates on, the date for I-485 was 11/16/2001. Now, it has changed again. I have checked the date for I-485 at 7.03 pm ET and it is 10/01/2001.

some news

The most interesting part (irony??) is that Silly Man was the most optimistic in this thread so far :)) cool!!!

Anyway, I got a friend who (believe it or not) was approved in december - when we thot the freeze was on....not an age out case or unusual case...the friend applied around Aug 2001 (WAC-01)...Will post friend's details once I get it...
kumarsaiv, shusterman is showing a previous version, also check .. the date is indeed 11/16. Whats better, that's effective 1/15/03. If the date doesn't go back again, then we have reason to celebrate.

drkamath, about me being optimistic/pessimistic. How about this, I am just realistic. I was pessimistic and bitching when this freeze was beginning, now that it's gonna end soon, I am optimistic. I still donot know when it will end, and that is frustrating, but honestly, I feel that very soon we will see a real thaw. February/March/April, we will see long lasting movement @ CSC.


February 30% chance
March 70% chance
April 95% chance. (Asymptotic curve).

Regards the August'01 ND approval in December, INS was considering WAC-01 cases as an exception and their approvals were never halted. Though terribly slowed down, but never halted. It is the Wac-02 cases that were paying the max. price. November 2001 was the most fucked up month to file in.
Regd most f*cked up month

Err.. Silly Man.. let me correct that for you -- November of 2001 and EVERY MONTH THEREAFTER were the most fucked up months to file for 485. Howz that? :)

this_processing_killsMe, atleast after that you knew what to expect. When I filed, I was hoping to be a GC holder in 6 months, that would mean I was expecting to be a GC holder in march 2002. GOD-DARN IT !! I've been waiting to become a GC holder .. tommorow .. for the past 8 months. Picture .. long labor .. and u'll know what I mean.
Some hope for all those waiting

Guys thanks for sharing the thoughts

Well the fact that something is moving even if its at Snail pace, is a great thing

And Silly if filing in Nov 2001 was crazy, I filed in May 2002!!!!!Thats a lot of F'in months behind

Lets hope it keeps moving and pray no other hurdle like the war or other unexpected F**kup happens ( I always worry about that)

I am surprised at all you guys, inspite of spending so many months in queue, you still talk about approvals :D

I would think that INS had beaten all thoughts of green card from everyones heads! Amazing creature this human being, always keeps a positive outlook inspite of the repeated blows. :D

Seriously, though it is depressing to see VSC zoom past and see nothing coming from CSC. I am seriously wondering why this is happening. We haven't seen one single approval in such a long time. It is absolutely no bloody use speculating on when INS plans to unofficial declare the freeze over. :( All I can suggest is write to the people in power folks, cause there is no other way the cookie will crumble in our direction!

Can someone PLEASE call IIO (maybe someone with GC approved) and ask the following:

1) What does this JIT date mean? Is it the notice date of the most recent batch of applications taken from the shelf?
2) After taking these applications from the shelf, are they distributed to adjudicators? How many are taken off the shelf at one time, and how many adjudicators are there?
3) Since CSC said "notices will resume in 2-4 weeks", does this mean that every adjudicator has a separate pile of 485's worth at least 2-4 weeks?
4) After the adjudicator, is there someone else who has to review the decision, and is this person the bottleneck?
5) Do the adjudicators have different piles on their desks for different application types, and do they balance their own load per some formula? (today I will look at 1 485, 2 765s, etc...)
6) Do these adjudicators have some kinds of target number of applications to process per day? They must, if there's a grand plan to "reduce the backlogs" ...

Last time I called an IIO (or who I THINK was an IIO), she knew nothing about what I asked her. She could only read what was on her screen. She did not know what an I-140 was.