Last Update Date Change on FP?


Registered Users (C)
My last update date last week was March 30, 2005 because USCIS accepted my RFI on March 29 (the day before).

I went for biometric FP on March 30, 2005. When I looked at my portfolio, the last update date was now March 31, 2005.

Is it because USCIS received my FP results?

hi Lee,

Can you please tell us what they took on the biometric besides FP? pictures?


did they take any of your hair samples? ;)


I just did my biometrics

I just did my biometrics.

he just took my index fing. and took a pic and my signature and told me , you will get your card in the mail, but not sure when exactly. He was really really nice , took my jacket off and hanged it for me. I am really schoked on how they changed thier treatment. I got there and there was no one waiting and yes, NO ONE WAITING. I used to wait for hrs and have room full of people and lines...not this time, the other guy was timing the biometric process, it took 3.5 min. He said they wanted to go down to 3 min...and then he asked me how was hs service and if I was pleased with him today and his service...I told him thank you very much and he gave me a card to evaluate his service and any suggestion....This is in Cincinnati, Ohio.....Did they really do that with all the offices? I am really impressed.