Last name missing in Passport


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Sorry to bug you guys with a visitor's visa issue. But I guess this might be of general interest... Please advice.

My mother in law does not have a last name in her passport. She is going to apply for a visitor's visa this week. Will she have any problem because of missing last name. None of her documents, inclucing marksheets, bank statements has a last name. So, passport is consistent with all other documents..

Anyone knows of any case where a visitor's visa was approved/rejected with missing last name?

Thanks in advance.
My passport does not have a last name - so is any other document in India. I think you have to put a last name on the appliication (not sure). My application for H1 was done by my employer and they put my actual last name (my father's) on the application (my father's name is on the last page of my passport). When the visa was issued, it was issued without a last name. But I use my last name on all the documents here in US - driver's licence, Soc. security card, and all the forms for green card etc.

I don't think it is an issue. But a travel agent in India should be able to help you.
Thanks ZeusChicago for that response. That really helps.

But I am concerned about the post sep11 security measures.. Do they process an application without a last name now?

Anyone can shed some light on this?

Thanks guys again...
My mother got B2 visa approval last week

My mother went for visa interview lastweek at Chennai. She did not have last name on her passport. She left last name blank. She got 6 months visa with just first name. Last name is blank on Visa also. The TTS Web booking does not accept interview bookings without last name. You can mention whatever last name you commonly use . Since it has passport number thry dont care anyway.

There are hundreds of people who do not have last name. There is a column in visa application which says "Other names Used " something like that . There you can mention her commonly used name i.e the name with her husbands name as her last name or whatever it is.
Related question

Incase u'r first name is too long like some of the south indian names ( V. V. S Laxman etc). What do people generally put for their first name(either on passport/H1 visa/F1 visa/INS applications) as it seems that multiple names in first name are not allowed here.
Any thoughts?

I have had several Visas (H & F). But none of my visas were issued after Sept 11th. I re-entered US in 2002. Not having a last name did not create any problems.

I'm sure lot of indians have this problem, so your mother-in-law's case may not be new to INS.

Hope this helps.
last name

similar case with my wife. When applied for H1 visa, her first name was entered as her last name and "FNU" was entered as her first name. I asked at them and they mentioned that this is normal practise for who do not have last name in the passport. I guess "FNU" = Family Name Unavailable" or First Name unavailable".