

New Member
Can anyone please answer these:

1- Is there anything else important besides landing , I mean, do we need to apply for SIN, bank account or other stuff ? I m planning to go on weekend and I will be back on sunday and I m going only because my H1 will expire soon.

2- can I land from detroit/windsor while my landing destination is toronto ? or I should go from buffalo ?

3- and the famous question , is there any difference between going by car or flying ? I mean in terms of less immigration issues or problems ?

Thanks in advance
1- Is there anything else important besides landing, I mean, do we need to apply for SIN, bank account or other stuff? I m planning to go on weekend and I will be back on Sunday and I m going only because my H1 will expire soon.
--- At the time of landing you have to show proof of funds, provide your Canada address to send your PR card, you passport, landing paper, goods to follow list
SIN is for work and Tax purpose and you have to visit HRDC office to fill up your SIN application, if you are not going to work immediately then no need for Sin or Bank account, land and come back, no need to inform that you are landing and going back
2- can I land from Detroit/ Windsor while my landing destination is Toronto? Or I should go from buffalo?
n ---You can land from Detroit/ Windsor/ buffalo it does not make any difference

3- and the famous question, is there any difference between going by car or flying? I mean in terms of less immigration issues or problems?
--- Air is better because if you take your car for landing then you have to declare it and custom formalities has to be completed, if take rental car it will be better. By air no tension.
Originally posted by smab13
Can anyone please answer these:

1- Is there anything else important besides landing , I mean, do we need to apply for SIN, bank account or other stuff ? I m planning to go on weekend and I will be back on sunday and I m going only because my H1 will expire soon.

Ans: I beleive you will require a SIN card for Bank Account.

2- can I land from detroit/windsor while my landing destination is toronto ? or I should go from buffalo ?

You are good to go for detroit/windsor.
It is a matter of distance & convenience.

3- and the famous question , is there any difference between going by car or flying ? I mean in terms of less immigration issues or problems ?

Ans: It is the same.

Thanks in advance

Hope you did your homework already.

All the best and do not forget to share your experience with us.

Vijay :)