Landing on expiration date of PR visa


Registered Users (C)
I was going to land in Toronto on the expiration date of the permanent resident visa stamped in my passport.

Could this create any problems? Are they likely to ask a lot of questions if I fly in (from the US) at the absolute last day without much luggage?

I had a read postings which talked about Canadian immigration not being convinced about some people's intentions to settle - and not allowing them to land.

I would appreciate any advice or experiences from people in the same situation.

Thank you.
I dont think the posts are credible. I was scared too, but landing is really cool if you fly into Toronto. I would not fly in on the last day, due to possible travel disruptions, airplane delays or other conditions. Give 10 days you will be OK. I landed 30 days before expiration and since it was by air, the immigration officer will not know how much luggage you have. You clear immigration and then pick up luggage and go to customs. PLease post your experience after your return.
However, if I fly in on the last day - is Canadian immigration likely to ask me a lot of questions? I was concerned that they would want me to prove that I was moving permanently to Canada.

Did US immigration ask you about your immigration status on your way back to the US from Canada?


(I'll also post my experience once I have flown to Canada.)
I do not know why they would ask you if you were landing on last day as long as you fly in. I think thye land borders are where officers see US residents abusing the system. In Toronto airport lots ogf Chineese , INdian and other nationals arrive and they are not likely to isolate you. (My opinion).

US Immigration was a breeze. No questions.
Thanks for the reply. I didn't follow your comment about "land borders are where officers see US residents abusing the system". What were you referrring to?

Is it more problemmatic to drive?

Thanks for your help.
Yes it is. Most of the iussues with immigration officers are at land borders. I have almost never came across issues when someone flies in.

If you dont want to live in Canada, why are you even doing this? Aah...before you say that the USCIS in US may or may not allow you to live here...(meaning, you continue to be happy the way your current life is on-hold for years and years and the continue to be at their mercy and their hold)....have you ever considered that the Canadian guys have already welcomed you?

Are you so shallow and without self-respect quite frankly that you choose to crawl back to the same place that keeps you in perpetual wait mode for years and years!!

maple_cartier said:

If you dont want to live in Canada, why are you even doing this? Aah...before you say that the USCIS in US may or may not allow you to live here...(meaning, you continue to be happy the way your current life is on-hold for years and years and the continue to be at their mercy and their hold)....have you ever considered that the Canadian guys have already welcomed you?

Are you so shallow and without self-respect quite frankly that you choose to crawl back to the same place that keeps you in perpetual wait mode for years and years!!



I greatly appreciate the Canadian welcome and am not taking it for granted. However, there are a lot of other factors involved.

You certainly spent a lot of time on that indepth and gifted psychological analyis.

However, if you don't have anything to add to my actual question, which was in respect to landing on expiration of visa - keep your unsolicited opinion to yourself.

This is a forum where people try and help each other based on their experiences - there is no point in jumping on other people's throats without being aware of their specific situation.

Thanks to everyone else for taking the time to answer my questions.
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I appreciate your response. I know it is not my place to offer unsolicited opinions...however, all I am trying to do here is just point out the obvious is is perfectly clear, you are free to pursue whatever it is that you want to...but, for a moment, give clear thought and clear thinking (w.o the herd thinking) and you will hopefully see what I am trying to get at..
