landing experience in Canada


New Member
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to share my experience with the PR thing so that people would know.

1) March 24, 2005, me and my wife went to HSBC(the tall building in Buffalo downtown). It is preety much a straightforward process. They took us up, collected our passports, the photographs and the letter that come requesting the passports. We were asked to come back later the same afternoon to collect our stamped passports.
2) We went back the same afternoon and collected our passports with stamped visas and the papers that are the landing papers. We were asked not to sign on the papers before we actually cross the border.
So the Buffalo part was done here. Extremely straight forward and hassle free.

3) My US, H1-B visa still holds good for another 1&1/2 years and so I wasnt in any immediate rush to start living in Canada. However, my Canadian medicals were expiring in a couple of weeks and so I was planning to land immediately, stay for 2 days in Canada and return back to the US.

4) Anyways, so we came out of the HSBC building and walked towards the Greyhound bus station. It is a 5 to 7 minutes walk. They have buses every 2 hours that go to Toronto.

5) Our plan was to do our immigration stuff at the border and then go to Toronto since our return flight was from Toronto into Houston.

6) The Greyhound trip works this way. You go to the bus station and buy tickets for the next bus to Toronto. Before boarding the conductor/driver would check your passports(any country) and your tickets.
The bus starts and the border is around 15 minutes from Buffalo. The bus stops at the border and every gets down. You get all your luggage with you and form a line.

7) We went in and a lady asked for our passports. She asked us the purpose of our visit and I said "We are landing". She sent us to the immigration counter escorted by a cop.

8) This is where the experience began. At the immigration counter we had a lady officer to whom I handed all the docs(mine and my wife's passports, our landing papers etc). She took a look at my passport and said " Are you landing" ? I said "Yes, maam". She said"well, I dont see much of luggage that you have brought. How long would you be staying " ? I said "For this particular trip, 2 days". She asked me "I see from your passport that you have almost quarter to 2 years on your H1. Do you even intend to come here anytime ? " I said "Yes, maam. I had to do a rushed landing since my medicals were expiring". She said " Well, lets see. Have you found a job here as yet ? Do you have a house here ? " I really didnt think these questions were relevant since the whole purpose of immigration is to go to a country and settle down. How many new immigrants come to Canada with jobs in their hands and houses that they own ?
Anyways, since I didnt want to spoil my case etc I decided to be very patient and not cross her by counter-logic etc.
I said "Maam, my long term plan is to come to Canada. As I did mention before, my medicals were expiring in 2 weeks and so I had to do a rushed landing".
She said "But, to me, I dont see any reason that you would come here or really interested in living here in Canada. You have applied since 2 years. All this time did you even try to find a job here ?". I said "Maam, I am in talks with a few people and when things materialise I would move here. Plus though I have around quarter to 2 years on my H1, my wife is on H4. She cannot legally work on H4 and she would really want to start working. Since we both would have P.Rs in Canada she can also work there. So I am really more interested in moving to Canada much before even my H1 expires so that my wife can find some gainful employment too".
Luckily I also had a couple of papers that had emails of people that I had from a tech-forum in Canada that I am subscribed to. I showed her that list and said "Maam, these are the people that I am in touch with who are into the same kind of work that I do back in the USA. Most of them ask me if I have already got my immigration papers for them to even consider me for a position in their organization. Now that I have my papers I can talk to them saying that I am ready to make a move".

9) I guess 2 things, my wife's H4 example(she wanting to work) and that list of people that I had from Canada did some work of onvincing that officer.

10) She said "Alright. But for your PR cards, I am not allowing you to give me your friend's home address etc. You will need to come to Canada(whenever I decide to come to stay) and at that time fill out the form for your actual cards. It seems for them to send the actual PR cards, the address that they need from us has to be residential address(not an office one) from Canada(not in the US).

11) So, finally she asked us to sign on the landing papers and gave us our "Letters of confirmation of P.R". She asked us to go for Customs.
Phew ! I think, once in a while one gets an officer that causes some tension. I have a feeling that finally she would have given it even without any proper explanation from me since her points didnt really make sense about me having a job/house in Canada etc. I guess she just wanted to see if I was prepared to answer her questions.

12) The Customs officer was very cool. Since I knew what they usually expect, I gave him 2 neatly organised printouts. One was "Goods in Possession" list and another was "Good to follow" list. I had also declared that later on I would be getting my car to Canada too and had my car title ready for him to note down the VIN #. He looked at all that and exclaimed "Excellent ! You have done your home work and saved a lot of my work".
Customs was done in 5 minutes.
We were done with our PR process.

13) The Greyhound bus usually waits till everyone that was in the bus returns to their seat. If one or more passengers have complex issues and if it looks like they are going to take time at the immigration, then the bus driver comes in and lets you know that he is leaving but you can board the next bus on your same ticket. So dont worry about the bus leaving etc in case you arent done.
Anyways, luckily from our bus everyone got it done on time and we were off to Toronto.
Toronto is at an hour's drive from the border.

I thought I would share the experience so that you all would know. It is always better to go prepared in case you get a quirky officer.
Usually the process is very smooth.

- Rahul
Good taking with you v/s goods to follow

What did you put on the Goods taken with you v/s the Goods to follow list ? Since you are not moving now what did you take in the "Goods taken with you " list.
Also how did you find Toronto as compared to Houston. I am also from Houston.

We are also landing in Toronto next month.

Can you give us better idea about "Goods in Possession" list and "Good to follow" list.

Is there any form available on the website? or Can you attach those forms?

texancanadian said:
What did you put on the Goods taken with you v/s the Goods to follow list ? Since you are not moving now what did you take in the "Goods taken with you " list.
Also how did you find Toronto as compared to Houston. I am also from Houston.

When we had landed, we listed our laptop & digital camera as goods taken with us & listed all other stuff including car as goods to follow. Since We are from texas too & have been to both Houston & Toronto, I can mention a few similarities and differences between the two.

Toronto is like any typical big city in the east coast. Downtown living is only on high rises/condos and in general a little expensive. Suburbs of Toronto ( Mississauga, Scarborough, Markham, etc) have more individual houses but even so high rises/condos and townhouses are more common. Having lived in Chicago suburbs, suburbs of Toronto had a similar look and feel ( especially since it was winter with snow piled on the sides of the road, etc).

In terms of day to day living, I think living in Canada is just like living in another US state albeit with higher taxes(again you can argue about the benefits of public healthcare etc).

Restaurant prices were similar to that of US (especially since US dollar dropped against the loonie). For those who relish south indian veggie dishes dont miss Hotel Saravana Bhavan in Mississauga :). Hotel accommodation too seemed a little on the higher side after adding the taxes(Holiday Inn Toronto suburbs worked out to about 60-70$ US per night).

Houston or Texas in general has more land to develop and you would see a lot more independent houses comparatively cheap per sq ft than say the east coast or even Canada. Texans dont care much about public transport. In big east coast cities and in Canada, subway system is well developed and can easily take you around the city without needing a taxi or owning a car.

Also gas is expensive in Canada ( again taxes) price is per litre. I heard now its like almost 95 canadian cents per litre. Comparitively thats almost twice the price in Texas.

We stayed almost a week in Toronto during the december holidays and in general we liked the place( even though winter is supposed to be not that pleasant). I would also like to visit Montreal & Vancouver/Victoria as these places are supposed to be more attractive tourist places.

Its a long post but hope it helps. :)
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the answers to your questions

Sorry for the delay in writing. I just got busy with work.
A lot of people have asked about the "Goods in Posession" Vs "Good to Follow" list.

1) We had put the stuff that we carried in our first visit there. Since we were to stay only for 2 days, it was really nothing. We mentioned stuff like 1 suitcase, 1 small bag, clothes etc and listed the approximate price in Canadian dollars.

2) The "Goods to Follow" was an extensive list. We did 5 categories.
a) Miscellaneous Household Items
b) Furniture
c) Electronic Appliances
d) Personal Jewelry
e) Vehicle(s)

Every category had the Items and their approximate price in Canadian dollars. You can put almost anything and everything here and it doesnt matter how much it costs as long as you can justify to the office that it is "personal" and not with an "intent-to-sale" in Canada for profit etc.

Once you get these 2 lists signed and stamped from them, you could bring these "goods-to-follow" later anytime in Canada. There is no time frame. You could bring these goods after 2 years etc; it doesnt matter. Make sure that you or your trucking(moving) company has the list and the signed page by customs officer when they are moving your stuff into Canada. The custom officer at that time will only look at the signed page and just check if goods look like what you have put on that list.

Anything that you have put on the list , if you dont have it now, thats not a problem. For E.g You have put a TV on that list but when you actually moved to Canada after an year you had already discarded it(sold, gave it to your friend etc). If the list has more things than the stuff that you actually bring in, its not a problem.
If you have more things(say, you bought a big entertainment system later which was not on the original "goods to follow" list), then you will have to declare it.

Basically, on the "goods to follow" list, put anything and everything however costly it is and whenever you plan to get it in. That is only a 1 time chance that you get to bring stuff duty free.
We stayed only for a day in Toronto and that too close to the airport so I dont really know enough about the city.
The first impression(we came in at night) is that it looks like a big metro, definitely bigger than Houston etc.
- RahulSD
Goods to follow vs Goods in Possession

I have a quick question on Goods to follow vs Goods in Possession. If I am carrying a laptop along with me when I am landing , do I need to put the same in both goods to follow and goods in possession so that I can bring the laptop in and out without payng duty.
Hi Raul,

I just want to ask you how many years does the Canadian Consulate Buffalo took to processed your immigration papers before you got the approval?Because I'm planning to apply for Skilled Immigration to CAnada also.Currently, I'm here in California on H1 b Status also.My H1 will expire April of 2007,so I want to make sure I still have enough time to wait for their processing.

CAn you please give me some brief experience you had with the process of your Canadian immigrant visa?I will greatly appreciate it.

Thank you so much in advance.
