laid off 10 days after GC approved and moved to a new job..

r lees

Registered Users (C)
I was laid off in the same month 10 days after my I-485 approved. I got a new job and moved to different state. I have told INS to change my address from oregon to florida. I wonder if INS would revoke my Green Card because I changed my job right after my I-485 approved. Did anyone know something similar happened before? Thanks.
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more interesting to know here is-
did you inform INS about change of employment as well?
is it really required to do so?
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well, he\'s only approved. hasn\'t got the card yet.
i just want to understand this clearly. thanks
So, no need to inform?

So, just wanted to confirm this...
Are we all saying that:
1. If one gets laid off immediately (say 10 days) after GC, (and ofcourse in those 10 days the person has not received his card) - he DOESNOT have to notify INS about this. (Let\'s assume that the person doesnot move to a different address)
Is that right?
Joef, Can you confirm this?
Joef, does it mean that if one is moving to a new address

he/she has to inform INS about the move, even after getting the plastic card ? If so, why ? Could you pl. clarify ?

reply to r lees...

If you got laid off soon after your AOS was approved, it is better to get some kind of letter from the employer explaining the reasons surrounding the lay off. This will clear you if questions of intent to work for the sponsoring employer comes up at naturalization time. As long as you didn\'t quit the job of your own volition, you are fine. Usually HR departments are pretty good at explaining to you officially the reasons for terminating your employment. Good to have the documentation.
Joe, thanks for the explanation. How do you inform INS ? Is there

a particular document for this or just call them up ?
Maybe problematic during naturalization

I think they could deny your naturalization. Otherwise you\'re ok.