Labor Substitution Question


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Hi all
I am thinking of starting my GC process.

One of my (ex) colleague at the company was my batchmate (hence holds same degree/similar salary/similar skillset/similar work). He had initiated his GC, but was let go in May 2001. His LC later got approved (in Aug 2002).

My company is willing to use his approved LC so that I can file 140 - is that possible given the time difference? Are there any other issues I need to take care of?

Do you have to apply for substitution officially? If so whats the time-estimate it gets done in? Or can you just send the I-140 app with the old LC?

tx in adv

Ps: Does it matter if he was fired instead of a lay-off?
You should be able to substitute based on what you have said. Discuss this with your attorney. There's more to a substitution case than just filing an I-140 and including the approved LC.
need help!

Hi grv,
I am a victim of the long non moving queue for labor certification. Is ur company a consulting company. can you please aks to ur company if they have any omre pre apporved labors. I am working at client for last 3 years and will go on for atleast one one more year. I am interested in joining any company who isready to do labor subsitution for me.

Thanks in advance
Hi x101,
Thanks for replying.
I passed BE (computer science) in 1996. and is working from oct 96 till now. Working in us from last 3 and half years and working at my current client from last 3 years and hope to work for atleast one more year.
My id is

Or u can call me at 281-518-7279.
