Labor in Pittsburgh


Registered Users (C)
Let us start new thread for Pittsburghers.

can some one tell me how long Labor approval time in Pittsburgh?
Mine was applied on Dec 2nd 2002 in RIR and EB2.

Thanks for your info.
Good that you started this thread of Pittsburgh LC

First let me says thanks for opening up this new thread for Pittsburgh LC.

Coming to your Question, per following website it seems that June -2002 is in processing now for both RIR and non-RIR.

But I strongly doubt these dates are not been updates for a while..

Mine is gonna be filed under non-RIR soon in a week or so... Good thing is both RIR and non-RIR takes same time in Pitts.

Lets keep this Pittsburgh LC thread active and share the info. for our own good. I will post the more as and I come to know..
