Labor Ceritifications from Colorado


Registered Users (C)
Does anyone have information about LC's filed from Denver, CO? I have not heard from DOL regarding my case filed since May 2001. Thanks!
I am junior to you (applied June 2001) still waiting. Hv nt heard anything promising. Keep our fingers crossed !! :confused:
April 01 is for non-RIR. My case was filed from Denver, CO as RIR in May 01. RIR for colorado shows May 02. I have not heard anything about Labor approval for almost 1 year after they started processing my case. Any clue why this could happen?
Here is the Good News. I guess Denver labor moved out from April 01. My friend got response from Colorado SESA 2 weeks back. His PD was in first or second week of May.
Originally posted by ltk
Here is the Good News. I guess Denver labor moved out from April 01. My friend got response from Colorado SESA 2 weeks back. His PD was in first or second week of May.

Could you verify that your friend's case is non-RIR? And also, is it definatelly Colorado SESA? (You mentioned "Denver labor", which could mean "Denver Regional DOL office").

Hope this is true, some people would kill for it to be!
Yes it is a NON RIR case and from Colorado. This is true bcoz they have even placed the ads according to instructions and they are hoping to get it cleared in next month or so. And it is a software job.

You just made my day! I've been waiting for 14 month for this darn month to clear. There are people that have waited even longer!

Has anybody else any updates on this?
RIR - Denver SWA

Hello all,
I have applied for my labor cert at denver swa thro' RIR EB2 category in June 02. After approval where will my case go to ?
Dallas or Denver. I am getting conflicting answers since non RIR cases apparently go to Dallas and RIR cases go to Denver for regional processing. Can any one please answer?
Also, has any one in RIR category heard about any case approved after May or June 02?
