Labor Cases Transferred From Boston Dol To Bec


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,
I'm starting this thread for all getting info. about the cases that were transferred from Boston DOL to Philadelphia BEC.

As you all might have known, Boston DOL stopped functioning as a satelite center and have transferred all pending labor cases to Philadelphia BEC.

Please post details of your case here so that we can get an understanding of whats going on.

My case details:

PD: Sep 2004
Labor filed: NH SESA
Transferred to Boston DOL: Jan 15 2004
Entered into the system at Boston DOL:March 8, 2004

I was hoping that Boston DOL would continue to process cases till the end of year 2005. But they transferred the pending cases to PBEC in 3-rd week of September 2005.
Labor transferred from Boston Regional DOL to PBEC

Hi Hebron,

Thanks for starting this thread. I was also looking to start a thread like this for cases in Boston DOL that were not certified before the closure. Mine seemed also to have been transferred from Boston DOL to PBEC. I'm totally in the dark as to whether it has been opened in PBEC yet or not.

Did you receive your 45 day options letter yet? Did you get a screen shot from the PBEC e-mail for 7th year H1 extn? I sent an e-mail to PBEC with the Boston case # but did not get any reply. My company did not yet get the 45 day letter.

Not sure whether they have yet opened the cases transferred from Boston DOL


Proirity Date : 08/20/2004
SWA Cleared : 08/31/2004 (Maine)
Entered in Boston System : 09/09/2004
NOF from Boston : 11/22/2004
NOF Replied on : 12/22/2004
Waiting ......

No,i haven't received anything from PBEC. No 45 days letter or screenshots. I don;t have any more hopes on this Sanjay :)
RIR Case From Boston, MA

Hello guys,
see my details below. My 45 letter is received and replied but no approval so far. I think being 2001 this is a unique case. However from what I can tell there are NO approvals on Boston, MA based LC yet. However I have seen multiple 45 days letters issued. Reading through this portal it seems like NY (and NJ a little bit) lines are moving. I am guessing that we will see some approvals or more 45 day letters within the next 2 months for MA.

I have to believe that PBEC has grouped its 100 resources by "state" and of course busy states got more people. MA is not a busy state so it probably got less people on it. This might be one way to explain the slow down.

Hopefully someone who is MA has an approval and post here so we now what the status might be.
Guys from Boston DOL (MA, NH, ME etc..) - Please post your details so that we can know if there is any progress in the LC transferred to PBEC from Boston DOL.

Could you give more details?

From which State did you apply?

newone2 said:
pd 02/15/04
45 days letter 12/21/04 and replied same day
lc-just waiting
Just got 45-day letter today.

Hey guys,
I don't know what are PD and RD?

My info:
Sent ETA 750: March 2002
Got 45-day letter: Feb.7, 2006
March_2002 said:
Hey guys,
I don't know what are PD and RD?

My info:
Sent ETA 750: March 2002
Got 45-day letter: Feb.7, 2006

I'm sorry. I wrote wrong year.
Indded, my ETA 750 was sent: March 2003
Last week received 45 days notice... PD end of 2004... from NH

Not sure what /when next action from BEC ??
One more case from MA

Details are in my Signature below. 3+ years and still waiting. Hopefully I will see some progress soon

PD & Case # :desilegend

Hi desilegend,
What is your PD & Case #? Mine is 30DEC04, NH and Case # 05180-88***
I have not received 45 letter yet.
