Labor Audit - Options available?


Registered Users (C)
My labor is filed in Nov-10 and got selected for audit on Jan-11. Now assuming audit process takes approx 2-2.5 years, i have following scenario.

I have 2 years 4 months left on my H1B 6 years completion. If after 2 years, auditing officer rejects the case, am i right that I will have to leave country immediately.

1. Is there any way i can avoid this situation?
2. Can i reuse approved but un-used labor of my colleague (with similar job profile) who already got GC as dependent on spouse.
3. What are chances of getting audited cases approved if all data is provided.
4. Does audit means supervised recruitment by default? Or its additional possibility?


I'm on same boat. Filed in July 2010 and got letter for audit on november 2010. It takes 2 years from now.
You are absolutely right, if rejected we need to leave the country or file against the denial, it may drag for another 2 years.
1. You can change the employer and Re-apply the GC .
3.depends on the labor department and the documents provided by you.
4.It may be Random but no one knows the reason.

Good luck!.
