LA Interview got approved


New Member
I am one of LA interview victim. I asked my case to be transferred from LA to Westminster for interview at the beginning of last December.

My wife and I got our interview on March 1, 2001 and got approved at Westminster center. The interview went smoothly. Though we thought we have strong cases and did not understand why our cases got transferred from CSC to LA for interview, after struggling this for more than four and half years, we did not want to take any chance. We brought our lawyer in. Our lawyer just sit there without saying one word during the whole process.

This is my case info:

EB2 RI, China
ID: 2/97
I-140 Approved date: 2/98
Transffered to LA: 6/00
Interview Date: 3/01

I almost lost my steam last October after four years waiting. Finally it ends.

Thanks everyone here who ever helped me before. Fight on.

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Congratulation, even though I cannot really understand the toil of journal you have gone thru.
Myself have also waited for over 4 years.

Wish you "YiFanFongSun"!
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Congrats! i can understand how u must be feeling now. Could u please explain what happened during the interview. quite a few people have put in their experience but it will always be good to hear a new one.
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Congratulations, noend. Your entry in the interview list will be
updated to reflect this shortly.

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Congratulations Noend.
   Could you explain how your case was transfered from L.A. to Westminster office? Did you requested it?
   How did you became aware of the transfer of the case if it was initiated by the INS?

   My own case is similar in the sense that I just got transfered from CSC to L.A. office but I live close to the Westmister

   Any advantage to transfer to Westminster? Any recommandation?
No Title

Sorry for the delay. Since last October, I run out of the steam and only visit this site in rare occation. That is why my case got approved on March 1, but I did not post my case until two weeks later.

I asked Westminster office to transfer my case from LA to Westminster at the beginning of last December. I was told the case had been arrived at Westminster by letter at the end of last January. Two days later, got notice to do finger print in the mid of Feburary. They use electronic finger printing. FBI clear the record in two days. Three days after finger print notice, I got interview notice.

The situation at LA office is horrible. There are more than a thousand people lining up there every day. To get a chance to ask/apply anything there, I have to drive 50 miles and get there before 6:00 AM, otherwise I may not even get a waiting number.

At Westminister, normally you have only 30 to 50 peoples lining up there any time. Normally I can go there around 9:00 AM, got a number in about 20 - 30 minutes. You will be called in less than 40 minutes. If you have to apply EAD or Advance Parole, you definitely want to be transferred to Westminister. (But I also think you may apply EAD or Advance parole there even if your case is not there. If you live in Orange county, you defintely be able to do that.)

If you live in Orange County, you should be able to ask your case got tranferred there. I know people who live in Orange county and their cases got transferred there directly. One of the people I know got his case transferred to LA in June, 2000, same time my case got transferred, then his case got transferred automatically from LA to Westminister.

My work place is in LA. When I filed my I-485 in June, 1999. I still lived in LA. Shortly after that, I moved to Orange County. Though CSC has my updated address, my case was still transferred to LA and sitting there. Westminster agreed to transfer my case once they know I live in Orange county, though through some effort. If you go westminster to ask for a transfer,and the officers at the counter refused to do so for some reason (I was frist told my case was on 8th floor in LA office waiting for interview scheduling. The officer refused to transfer it for me. The "8th floor" must be some kind jargon. I insisted on talking with a supervisor and resolved the matter), please insist on this and try to talk with a supervisor, explain your hardship to be interviewed at LA. If this still fails, invite your lawyer or local house representative to step in.

Good luck. I may not visit this site in future.

No Title

can you please share with us what kind of questions you were asked as at the interview. It will defiantely help lots of people here.
Tahnks and congratulations.