L1 Question


Registered Users (C)

I apologize if this question has already been asked on this forum. But I couldn't find the answer and hence posting this.

I do know that to qualify for an L-1, one has to work for at least one year at the same company's office outside of the US. But during his/her employment with the foreign branch, if he/she makes a trip to the US on a Business Visa, will those few months that he/she is in the US on B-1 have any effect on the 12 month foreign stay requirement?

Ex: If I am in the US for 4 months on a B-1, do I have to be employed at the foreign branch for 16 months instead of 12 months if I have to apply for an L-1?

Please respond as soon as you can. Thanks and regards,
I am on L1B and came to US for a couple of weeks during the initial 1 year before L1 so was a very borderline case.

However If I am not wrong the L1 regulations have changed now and one needs to have only 6 months of experience outside the US