L1-A to GC, dificult?


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I am working on a very small company with an L1-A visa (subsidiary of an European company), I have been working here for over a year now and wanted to apply for a green card.
Since the company is very small and still relatively new there is not much revenue and business is slow. The company does have funds, it can show it can pay at least 3 years worth of my wages and of course the prospect are for the business to develope nicely. I still have 2 years left on my L1-A.
The L1-A was obtained very fast, no RFE, and was obtained with the help of an attorney specialyzed in immigration and member of AILA.
I am so far the only employee and the company depends 100% on me to function, prospects are to in a short/meduim term to employ 1 or 2 persons.
Should i expect the company size to be a problem in obtaining the visa?
How long, in Vermont, could I expect a CG to be processed if I pay for expedite processing?
There will be issues regarding ability to pay the offered wage but it probably will not be insurmountable. Small companys have more problems (you will need to show company tax returns and similar documents) but as long as there is an ability to pay the offered wage it shouldn't cause real difficulty.

The I-140 and the I-485 can now be filed at the same time (there is no LC necessary for an EB-1 international manager). Probably processing time for this type of filing is around 18 months to 2 years. It's unclear whether concurrent filing of the I-140 and I-485 will speed anything up at this point.
ok thank you
We, of course, have all the tax and such paperwork and the company has funds in the bank enought to support full operations, including my wages, for over 3 years even in the case there was no profits at all.