Kindly advice


Registered Users (C)
In my anxiety to get the passport stamped, I did couple of errors

1. I turned over both the 485 notices to the IIO (courtesy and lawyer). Would I require this at any point in future ??
2. I did not mention my A# behind the photographs. I am not sure if that was a requirement mentioned in the notice. Is this an issue ??

Your thoughts on this generous folks.
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You will not need any INS document any more
(or do we at the time of citizenship application?)

Many celebrate the GC arrival by burning all old
documents (original or copies).
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So how will they re-stamp the passport in the unlikely event that the GC does not show up in one year? Similar problem if they move and the GC does not follow them.
A# stamped on your passport is enough

When you go for the re-stamping. THey will just go thru the form you submit & wont ask for the 485 approval .

You do not need the approval notice in future.

Pray that your photos never get separated from your I89 forms.

Good Luck!
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Actually people who do CP have nothing in thier hands except Passport Stamp, approval notice is insignifcant, it is just for your records.