Kevin65221, Can I ask you a question?


Registered Users (C)

In a previous post you mentioned that you set up
you computer to dial CSC every 15 seconds, can you
tell me how to do that? What kind of software is
needed to do so?

Thanks in advance, and good luck for your Passport Stamping.
No Title

on windows, there is a phone dialer in accessories/communication. u can also use some other 3rd party dialer. good luck.
No Title


Did you get your pasport stamped in SJ? I saw your posting about the first unsuccessfull atempt. Did you try again yesterday?

I haven\'t tried, yet and I\'m thinking of going to SF office instead of SJ? Do you know if someone did it?

No Title

no, i have not tried again yet. i am think of SF too but it is a bit too far. but if you go to SJ before 3:00AM, i think you can get in for sure. if you try SF, please keep me updated. thanks