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kenya: is it that difficult to call the Nairobi embassy


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone. I am due for my DV2008 interview but would like to postpone it for a week. however I have tried to call the embassy through the number they have provided on the 2nd NL 0203753705 which always takes me to vioce mail and them cuts off. the other number0203636492 provided in the website for immigrant visas is never picked. I have ended up writing an email to consularnairobi@state.gov will it suffice? on the other hand the issue of evidence of support someone had said in this forum that a single pwerson does not require any evidence of support. Am single and I have an email from a permamnet resident of the US offering to host me. is this enough what is the experience of others? pliz help
on the other hand the issue of evidence of support someone had said in this forum that a single pwerson does not require any evidence of support. Am single and I have an email from a permamnet resident of the US offering to host me. is this enough what is the experience of others? pliz help

It's rather unfortunate that on these forums there is a lot of misguided information mixed in with valuable information.

I am sorry to tell you waks, but yes you do needs to show evidence of support and no an email from your friend is not sufficient.
Well first what is making you change the interview date? as a piece of advice this is the last min and you changing the date you don't have a grantee is get another coz the demand for the Dv visa is so high... about affidavit of support your friend must commit him/her self by summiting a notarized form of I-134 of which you will use it in the time of the interview ....
If you're in kenya and you would like to reschedule your interview date, call the following # 3636492