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kenya: evidence of support


Registered Users (C)
Hi all, Am a DV 2008 winner from Kenya awaiting my interview early August. I have been trying to gey my friends all who are permanent residents in the US to sign for me the affidavit of support but they are advising me otherwise. they seem to suggest that I do not need the form 1 134 signed but rather a fat account by a family member or friend from Kenya, is this true for those who have recently had interviews and if so how much is required and does the account need to be in my name and should it be certified. please advice

I'm in the same dilemma but i seem to agree with the suggestions from you friends in USA. If possible get a good bank statement from friend or family member in kenya and during the interview you need to show that you're capable of getting a job with ease. Take your time but let prayers be source of encouragement. laterz