Keep the approvals coming (6/28/07)

Today were approved: 1 case from 08/20/03 an 1 from 08/25/03

so, now it is:

for ND 08/20/03 (total 387 cases)
approved: 175
transferred for Interview: 63
Transferred to TSC and pending there: 24

for ND 08/25/03 (total 360 cases)
approved: 195
transferred for Interview: 41
Transferred to TSC and pending there: 11
another LUD on 6/30/07

after seeing a LUD on 6/28, just now I saw another LUD as of today.

Wonder what is cooking???
Here it GC just got approved.I dont know if I am still in Dream or its happenning really...

My PD is Feb 10/2004 with 140/485 RD as Sept 12 2005 EB2 India.
Used Infopass,Called TSC for a SR and also the congressman.
Dont know what did the trick..
Self and Spouse I-485 AD 6/28.

I see your 485 RD is in 2005, which is unusual (most TSC approvals have RD 2003 or 04). Was yours a transfer case, or was it filed originally at TSC?
Today (07/02/07) one case with RD 08/20/03 was already approved

for ND 08/20/03 (total 387 cases)
approved: 176
transferred for Interview: 63
Transferred to TSC and pending there: 23
Yesterday (07/06/07) 3 cases (1 case transferred to TSC) with RD 08/20/03 were approved

for ND 08/20/03 (total 387 cases)
approved: 179
transferred for Interview: 63
Transferred to TSC and pending there: 22