kashmir project for NSC ???

1) Download the attached spreadsheet
2) Open it and a window will pop-up aksing about macros. PRESS enable macros button.
3) Press ALT + F8 key
It say 485 scan and make sure it is hilighted..
Hit Enter
4) Another dialog window pops-up
---> Enter the LIN seried with year and date Example : 02- 101
Hit Enter..
5) Last window enter the range of numbers to scan 53XXX - XXXXX.

It will allow one to make 1000Quries/day and you wont able to run the script again for another day. So limit the range of numbers to scan

One can change to scan 765,131 anything. --> To do that after you open the excel --Go to TOOLS--> Macro-->Visual Basic EDitor ( or type ALT+ F11 ) . Do a global replace of 485 to 7765 or 131 and save it.

Good luck all hopefully everyone's day i s getting near... for joyful momnets

I am attaching the document that has the LIN02053504 series. It gave me an error halfway saying that there are too many enquiries. When I tried the script for LIN02016 series I did not get the error. There may be a lot of people trying this series.

I am attaching the ones that I did get.

march02485 ...

i tried the greenland script......followed all instruction but when I start the scan, it seems like it's running but nohting happens.....i see no data being populated...sounds familiar ???
thanks lifeonhold.

summary of results from the doc file

total 485s: 19
approved: 13
RFE sent: 1
RFE received: 2
Initial receipt sent message: 3
Standardizing output.

Kasmir, lifelong, whoever else is involved. How about outputting the data in XML? Its not hard, and it allows easy base from which to convert to whatever you like, or you can analyze it as is. I can help if you want. :D
Question for lifeonhold - Please Help !

I would appreciate if you run me a java script for the following LIN number:

LIN: 02-041-592-xx

My Details are as follows:

2nd FP: 06/15/03 (website or voice mail never updated)
Special Registration Country (registered on 02/24/03)
Still waiting

This is a two part project:
1. update Kashmir code to produce XML (instead of CSV/TSV)
2. convert existing data in database to produce XML

Both of these require the buy in of the original coder/maintainer/people who work with it. The work itself is trivial, setting it up is what takes coordination and effort.
Re: XML-izing

Can you explain more in detail about what you want out of XML?

I agree XML is powerful.

Instead of modifying the kashmir code, I would like have a different approach.

We can write a small piece of code which will take the o/p file of Kashmir (tsv file) and convert into XML. If u want I can write this piece of code in C/C++ or Java. I hope whoever is running kashmir project will have their tsv file saved. They can run this small piece to convert that tsv data into XML.

After converting into XML how do u want to put into database?

Let me know if you feel I can be of any helpful to you in this regard.

Originally posted by SirZ
This is a two part project:
1. update Kashmir code to produce XML (instead of CSV/TSV)
2. convert existing data in database to produce XML

Both of these require the buy in of the original coder/maintainer/people who work with it. The work itself is trivial, setting it up is what takes coordination and effort.
Can you explain more in detail about what you want out of XML?

I agree XML is powerful.

Instead of modifying the kashmir code, I would like have a different approach.

We can write a small piece of code which will take the o/p file of Kashmir (tsv file) and convert into XML. If u want I can write this piece of code in C/C++ or Java. I hope whoever is running kashmir project will have their tsv file saved. They can run this small piece to convert that tsv data into XML.

After converting into XML how do u want to put into database?

Let me know if you feel I can be of any helpful to you in this regard.
The purpose of XML is to standardize the storage format (in a widely available, and easily manipulatable form), and tag it in a mannner that machines, instead of humans can analyze. The idea is to minimize user inconvenience and interaction, so the best place to start in is to have the scanning code output it as xml tagged data. This is a fairly simple task, but needs the original coder buyin. Then, the pain in the a55 part of the job is getting existing data converted, which is what your suggestion will accomplish.

I have some other ideas like using a forum thread to "upload" the data. Ie, the scanner can just post it in a thread (without user intervention) and obtain other people's data from this thread, once again automatically. This would mean that you'd have an up to date shared database on your computer (shared with everyone who participates) which then you can analyze to your hearts content in the manner you want. Sort of like a P2P setup, except using a forum thread as the sharing mechanism instead of figuring out the nasty parts of P2P :)

AND, if this is done smart, these "analyzer" components that you write can be shared also, so that you basically have this plugable framework application that grows in feature and functionality in a "collective" manner.

I am undecided yet on whether something like this can be implemented into existing Kasmir/Greenland code, or perhaps a new design is called for. I might just go ahead and do it, since I got a mid 2003 RD, ample time to set it up right before it starts to matter--for me personally, that is :)
PS. In the manner of good software engineering, I havent yet thought about the HOW part, just the WHAT and WHY :)