Just unbelievable!!!!!!!


Registered Users (C)
I know that a lot of people have issues with how USCIS is handling most of the cases. I am sure that a lot of people are going through this and I am not the only one, but I have to get this out of my system.

I applied back in July of 2007 they received my application on July 18th and my FP appointment came in for September 20th of 2007, everything was just the way it was suppose to be. After my FP I went to see my future husband in Israel and stayed there for 5 months. At the end of March I received a notice for my interview on April 29th. Everything is just super. I went for my interview, the only thing is my file was still at the main office in VT for some reason (it was just collecting dust). Well they congratulated me and said that now my local office has to wait for my file to compare everything and I will receive a letter for my Oath. My file was received by my local office on May 5th. And I am still waiting for my Oath appointment. This is just unbelievable. I work at the attorney’s office and he (my attorney) was there twice already to see what is taking them so long. First time he went my file was just laying there and collecting dust, he asked an officer who interviewed me to take care of it. Officer was nice enough to find a file and said that I should receive a letter at the end of next week, which already passed. I am not surprised. The second time attorney was there, he was told that I will probably be scheduled for June 13th or for a big ceremony on July 2nd. Now I am 100 % sure that June 13th will not happen since I still did not receive a letter and now I am hoping for July 2nd.

This is just unbelievable, isn’t it?

I lived in US for 13 years already and I only traveled outside of US 3 times. I didn’t see my husband for almost 3 months now and that is just killing me.

I know that many people have a lot bigger issues with USCIS but I just wanted to tell you about my bad experience.
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That is why people are usually mad at USCIS because of non-sense processing.
I hope you get your OL soon.
This is how they are, get use to it!

PS, I have not seen my wife for 9 months now (for the first time in are marriage history) but there is nothing I can do right now. I am sorry for your hard life seperation
That is why people are usually mad at USCIS because of non-sense processing.
I hope you get your OL soon.
This is how they are, get use to it!

PS, I have not seen my wife for 9 months now (for the first time in are marriage history) but there is nothing I can do right now. I am sorry for your hard life seperation

yea i feel your pain.......and i hope that everyone will finaly get what they are waiting for :cool:
interestingly i have the same experience as you @ Newark

Second A# file received in Jan after the interview, but not yet processed.
No news..
Had an Infopass 5/23 and still nothing has moved...
Sorry to hear that. Nevertheless, the lawyer's intervention seems to have worked. I would keep the pressure with your lawyer. But it is up to you !!!
Second A# file received in Jan after the interview, but not yet processed.
No news..
Had an Infopass 5/23 and still nothing has moved...

unfortenatly infopass doesn't do anything good most of the time.......they are just giving you the same answer over and over again :mad:
Sorry to hear that. Nevertheless, the lawyer's intervention seems to have worked. I would keep the pressure with your lawyer. But it is up to you !!!

and i defiantly will keep telling my lawyer to follow up......i just want to wait for couple of weeks to see if maybe i will received July 2nd Oath appointment ohhhhhhhhhh
sorry to hear about your experience and separation, I am in similar situation with my mom :( , I hope it will be over soon for you and your husband!
sorry to hear about your experience and separation, I am in similar situation with my mom :( , I hope it will be over soon for you and your husband!

yep, and unfortunately there is nothing we can do about this......just wait for 120 days after interview.......and just to make it more interesting my father who applied on the same date i did and went to his interview same day i did.......he is already a citizen, his oath took place the day after his interview........he even tried asking his immigration officer to switch our Oath dates so i can go first ohhhh :mad:
The truth is that the longer the process takes the higher the chances it will screw up someone's life. Hopefully once they move to digitize all documents we will see the end of this kind of problem with files moving around and collecting dust. However, I have to say that most cases work fine, it's just that in this forum there is an overrepresentation of trouble cases. Most people never care to participate in the forum unless they experience a problem in their process, thus leading to the belief that problems are widespread. I don't think that's the case. However, it's true that USCIS needs to consistently and across all offices improve their processing times. I was supposed to be done with USCIS and here I am, stuck waiting to hear something about my child's N-600 that I submitted at the end of August of 2007, nine months ago. This comes with all the worries and concerns about changing address, letters lost in the mail and all that. It's just a black hole. They need to improve speed and traceability of the process and make the information available to the customer in an easier way.
The truth is that the longer the process takes the higher the chances it will screw up someone's life. Hopefully once they move to digitize all documents we will see the end of this kind of problem with files moving around and collecting dust. However, I have to say that most cases work fine, it's just that in this forum there is an overrepresentation of trouble cases. Most people never care to participate in the forum unless they experience a problem in their process, thus leading to the belief that problems are widespread. I don't think that's the case. However, it's true that USCIS needs to consistently and across all offices improve their processing times. I was supposed to be done with USCIS and here I am, stuck waiting to hear something about my child's N-600 that I submitted at the end of August of 2007, nine months ago. This comes with all the worries and concerns about changing address, letters lost in the mail and all that. It's just a black hole. They need to improve speed and traceability of the process and make the information available to the customer in an easier way.

that is 100% truth
The truth is that the longer the process takes the higher the chances it will screw up someone's life. Hopefully once they move to digitize all documents we will see the end of this kind of problem with files moving around and collecting dust. However, I have to say that most cases work fine, it's just that in this forum there is an overrepresentation of trouble cases. Most people never care to participate in the forum unless they experience a problem in their process, thus leading to the belief that problems are widespread. I don't think that's the case. However, it's true that USCIS needs to consistently and across all offices improve their processing times. I was supposed to be done with USCIS and here I am, stuck waiting to hear something about my child's N-600 that I submitted at the end of August of 2007, nine months ago. This comes with all the worries and concerns about changing address, letters lost in the mail and all that. It's just a black hole. They need to improve speed and traceability of the process and make the information available to the customer in an easier way.

I guess you might be right. When I read this forum I am quite surprised and am not sure how weird my case was since I sent the N400 when there was a big backlog and got the citizenship 5 month after they opened the envelope without any problems at all. Probably, the people who post here represent a very small sample, but each person seems to be going through a nightmare.
I guess you might be right. When I read this forum I am quite surprised and am not sure how weird my case was since I sent the N400 when there was a big backlog and got the citizenship 5 month after they opened the envelope without any problems at all. Probably, the people who post here represent a very small sample, but each person seems to be going through a nightmare.

Actually, there are more and more people that are facing these issues for some reason.......like i said initially, i work at the law office and i decided to ask my boss if this is just me or maybe i am one of the few and i was surprised when he said that unfortunately there are a lot of cases like mine and many more people get stuck in name check (that is a lot worst then what is happening to me) :mad:
There are frequent report that the list of people who are flagged as "person of interest" is deeply flawed. We hear of how 5 yr old kids get extra security checks at airport. My guess is that same error filled list is causing the name check delays. And once people get on that list even by accident there is no clear cut way to get the name off. One more stupid idea in the name of homeland security.
The truth is that the longer the process takes the higher the chances it will screw up someone's life. Hopefully once they move to digitize all documents we will see the end of this kind of problem with files moving around and collecting dust. However, I have to say that most cases work fine, it's just that in this forum there is an overrepresentation of trouble cases.

I agree a 100%. There are many people who do not enter/share their info with this forum and yet they have been processed without any issues. Fortunately for me, the process was very smooth.