Just talked to an IIO


Registered Users (C)
EB2, PD Dec 98 , RFE rpld and rcvd 4/17 according to AVM.
IIO says case on hold for visa availability?
What does that mean? I told him PD for EB2 is current.
He said as of today we are waiting for visa availabilty ?
There is something new all the time !!!

(Last time I called them they said I140 missing ! Had to call them again and get that straightened out.)

God Knows what that means ?
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MAY BE within each category, for the current ND dates they are processing, they will assign visa numbers as per the
PD so that people with PD earlier than you dont run out of visa numbers.. remember these PDs in visa bulletin
are only a approximation... they release these numbers expecting that there will be visa numbers available for people
with those PDs.. they probably sometimes run out of them even if the bulletin says it is current.. just my guess...
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The above could mean that they have run out of visa numbers for the EB category for the country. As we know, there is a yearly limit on the number of visas that can be allocated per EB category, per country....

I don\'t think what the IIO said is accurate however.
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PD has nothing to do with the allocation of Visa numbers. Only the EB category and the country matters. The only condition is that PD has to be current before the Visa number can be allocated.
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I don\'t think so. DOS controls visa availability instead of INS. We have seen a lot of EB2 cases with later PDs than yours. It is very possible that INS misclassified you as EB3. Next time ask IIO what categeory INS put you in.
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this does not necessarily mean they have run out of visa numbers. What I was saying was that they probably will allocate
visa numbers as per PD date SO THAT people with earlier PDs dont run out VISA numbers SINCE they have been
randomly allocated to people with later PDs even if both of them are current. That it just might be a precautionary measure
to make sure that doesnt happen..
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Yes it does. But it bases its decision on the data INS provides - as to how many applications it received or are pending
in each category,country etc. I dont remember seeing someone with PD in 99 getting approved in EB2, India..
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I have two friends EB2 India with PD in FEB 99 & APRIL 99 got approved in April. Te I-485 ND is JAN and FEB 2000.

What do you say for that???

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Walker: I don\'t wanna scare you and I hope that this is not the case, but your conversation with the IIO is bang similar to what happened to a very close friend of mine. The IIO told her the same thing even though her PD was current. It was only on investigation, did she realize that her case was filed in EB3 and EB2 as she was expecting.

You might wanna check this out.

Good Luck !!
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Do you know the outcome of that.
Is there a way we can communicate on that.
Thanks for the reply
Appreciate all your help in this matter !
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well - I am not a IIO officer so I cant explain that.. nor can I guess anything about that.. just like I cant explain why people
with both PD and ND current and earlier are not getting approvals.. what I was saying were my guesses (like I indicated.. ) I
started my original post with a BIG \'MAY BE\'..
If what the iio said were true, thought this might be one possible explanation for it since that made sense.. we all speculate
on a lot of things on this board but never reached any solid conclusions - do we? some people have a theory that being married
expedites your case and get approvals faster..
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I also got a feeling that MAY BE "Metoo" is right.
My case is PD : 6/1999 RD: 11/9/1999 and ND:11/29/1999 . EB-2 India

when i spoke to the IIO, she said that my file is on the shelf and not yet assigned to the officer.

I don\'t know the true reason. Even the IIO\'s don\'t tell you the true reason .
I don\'t understand why don\'t the IIO\'s cut the chase and be honest about these matters.
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"I don\'t understand why don\'t the IIO\'s cut the chase and be honest about these matters."

Because, they themselves have no clue about pretty much anything and are mainly clerical staff, reading off what they see on the screen. It will appear on the screen only if the status is regularly updated by the officer to whom it is assigned. I would doubt anybody would take the trouble to regularly update the statuses of the cases being processed by them.
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Walker: She managed to get together with her attourney and get the issue resolved. I really don\'t have the details on how she did it and all that.

My first recommendation here would be that you need to check if this is indeed a probelm in your case too.
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thanks guys for all your responses!
That\'s what is so good about this mesg board
Ajay S Moorjani > Can u please send me some details about this person (Of course after checking with them if thats ok, my email add is viren@theoffice.net
Thanks a heap
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It is still here,otherwise why do we still see a cut-off date on Visa bulltin for India and Chinese? The new law: 1) reserves the unused quota of 1999 and 2000 for later use (for example, this year); 2) reallocates the visa number that are not used by other counties to over-subscribed counties such as India and China.