Just talked to an IIO - ((r/d nov 00; n/d dec 00))

Pagal Ghora

Registered Users (C)
Was told application is pending and there is no decision yet. I guess there isn\'t much use talking to an IIO unless your 485 is due over 540 days.
ND 12/12/00

I called last week and the IIO said the case was pending. She also told me that they are processing Jan 01 cases right now. So I asked how come I hadn\'t heard about mine yet and she did not have an answer and would not give me anymore info. So, I have decided not to talk to the IIO anymore. I will just keep checking AVM every night a couple of times. Hopefully, we will hear someting soon.
No Title


I think, you are absolutely right! I used call them (VSC) every two to three weeks about my case, all the time, they have same standard message, "wait 30-60 days, you will hear some sort of decision about your case"! Now, it is more than three months (ND=Oct 19, 2000), no news. They are doing Jan\' 2001 cases. If I ask them, why it is taking so much time, they don\'t have any answer. It is very frustrating....
From now-on, I am not going to talk to any IIO. It is total waist of time.


A.K. Islam
Now i don\'t feel so bad

Wow AK. You must be really frustrated with an October N/D. Well, I hope we get through soon.
No Title

Pagal Ghora:

As a matter of fact, this organization (INS-->VSC) is a same kind of organition, what we dealt in back home (Indo-Pak=SubContinent).
True buraucratic (lazy)!!!


A.K. Islam
What does Pending mean?


What does you application is "pending" and "a decision has not been made" imply? Your inputs would be much appreciated.
Calling is not going to achieve much except clogging the lines

Calling every few days or few weeks is not going to achieve much except clogging the lines for people who have more important issues.
Alright Dick Tracy

Thanks for you advise, even though I didn\'t need it. Let me just remind you that my rd is Nov and nd is Dec. So, it does make sense for me to call INS specially since we have seen a spate of Jan n/d getting approval. So, I believe there are quite a few people in my shoes, and you\'d be better off posting constructive messages :)
Calling IIO helped me

My ND is 10/31. I called IIO on 10/19 - she said mine was assigned to an officer long ago, and admitted it has taken more time than normal. She said she would put in a note. And the voice mail tells me mine was approved on 10/22.
Congrats man

I wish I could talk to a helpful IIO next time. When I called, the IIO was very direct and professional and told me that she could not give me any more information on my case.

I have Nov rd and Dec nd. So i guess I\'ll call early november again and hope that I talk to the IIO that answered your call.

meanwhile, enjoy your freedom