Just spoke to IIO at 3 PM


Registered Users (C)
Just now I talked to IIO
This is what she says, " Your case is under review"
I asked, "Does every thing looks good in my case "
She says, " Yep ..Every thing is good "
I asked "how much time it will take "
She says, "It depends how much work load is that in that area, as soon as the process is over we will mail you a notice"

Any idea what does it mean by " under review." and other comment she made

RD 11/07/2001
ND 12/10/2001
FP 04/10/2002
AP ??
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Please understand that the cases will get approved when the time comes for it. No point in talking to an officer and disecting each and every word that he/she uttered and pondering over it.
The fact that she said everything looks good on your case to me means that your case is essentially approved and they now have to write and mail the approval notice. May be in a few days you can tell us if my theory was right.
I am in same situation

I also got same response. my case is under review..

ND 11/17/2001
RD 12/07/2001
AD .....

Good luck...
I think if any of the Nov-Dec would call BCIS , they would give this standard reply untill REF is generated or decision is made !

Therefore I would not expect much from this , you may be get updates(RFE/Approval) in a week's time or in a month.

Sorry if this hurt anyone... I just wish to put this in right perspective !

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