Just some food for thought....


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Hi. I visited this board after a long time just I felt little bit nostalgic not visiting this forum. I got my GC six months back and thank God happy sailing after that.
The thread "First Person to throw GC away" made me to post this.
Everybody think staying here or going back to India is one\'s own call. I also feel India is good and going back will make me happy. I can go back today without any problems. But what I feel is that I can make wealth here and put it to use for the needy in India. That is what India needs from you all NRIs. Last six years I have spent so far atleast USD 80K in charities. Built buildings for my primary school (a poor school), my higher secondary school, donated 6 new computers for my higher secondary schools, helping 15 poor students to meet their education expenses, feeding 45 blind children in my hometown, renovated temples around my town. It is something which makes me feel good, and meets my purpose of being in US throwing all the good comforts my home (in India) offers.

It makes me feel really good. And I feel that these charities will guard me and my children(and my age-old parents) against any odds in my life (just to be little selfish). India needs lot of helps from all our brethern like this. Medical, educational, moral, religious, food helps are needed by all the people. Just come out of your own circle and think for the public cause.

Even a continuous $100 donation a month to a charity of your like will take your home country far ahead.

Every one is young here and you all will accept my line of thoughts. Just give it a thought. No harm. If you dont accept, just forget it. No hard feelings. It is not just for yourselves and your family to be good. The circle is much bigger than that.

I would even like to call back "fortune100" to come back to US and join in this noble cause and start living for a bigger circle and bigger cause.

I am not trying to boast about myself here. I would better not. But the cause I have taken cannot be met myself alone. I need lot of volunteers to join this project "make your home better".

It is not good to blame the cows or other dirty things you may not like in India. It is your home. Who else is going to clean up the mess. It is not going to be anyone other than you. Clean it up buddy. Do your share..When you go to India for vacation, just plant a tree and tell some of your dear ones that you want to see how it looks in your next vacation. Have you done that. I have something in my home which says that I had been here back from US six times. I have something in my hometown which says I celebrated my dad\'s 80th birthday. I have something in my hometown which says that my new-born daughter was here for her first birthday. I will proudly show it to her when she grows up. Will ask her to do more things like that in remembrances of her dad. Feels great isn\'t it.. really

I have gone through those feelings so many times. Just spend $50 and buy books for a poor kid in your local school and enjoy the smile. Man.. it is awesome. I got so many such personal smiles (my treasures) like that in my heart which I play back and enjoy. It always makes me feel to do more like that. In fact I am a sort-of addicted to that. Help kids, poor, elderly. Let them live a day of their life on your sponsorship. Share their happiness smile.. My god.. that is an eternal feeling.

Please give it a thought. Just a GC or citizenship and two-car garageed home is not my goal.

Set your goals higher. Stand up on the mountain. Have a greater vision. Strive hard to achieve it.

Other than the part about India, this is true for anyone from any third world countries.
best of luck.

I will come back and try to see the answers in this thread. If this can make at least one person to think, I made the time I took to type this long note.

Best of luck to you all.
No Title

kepp up the good work, I full agree with you and I am doing the same in my home town. If everybody does something to help their school/surroundings in their home towns, India will definetly prosper....DO SOMETHING, 25 cents a day will buy a happy meal to the needy in India. GOD BLESS INDIA and AMERICA.
I appreciate

Honestly,your letter was a bit embarrassing and an eye opener too! Like to join you, have good liabilties even though
Well said.

I too have similar dreams. My dream is to Identify the right
people ( people with Character ,Knowledge, attitude, courage ) and support them in providing a clean and efficient administration back in our home country. Form a network of these people to achieve bigger goals. Any suggestion on how to go about it is most welcome.
Landed with dreams..

I also landed US six years back, with fully loaded dreams. Whatever you mentioned in ur letter, i did exactly the same, when i was in India, except i did only to my friends and relatives.

Six years back, my dreams was.. earn as much as possible and help poor people...

As times goes, everything around me changed. So i am too..

Atleast by reading this, i am thanking god for keeping people like "niceguy" in US.

Good Job and well done...
Join the bigger cause

Appreciate your feeling palmreader. You will meet your liabilities.. Should not be a problem. One rich person in my hometown (in fact he is richer than me) came and told me that he would start donating something after meeting "his needs". I asked him.. how much more money will meet your needs..? He couldnt tell me that. He realised that his liabilities are born with him. It is not going to end.

If I have money for my family\'s food today, that is enough for me. Whatever more can go for charities. When I got married, I told my engineer wife that she should go for work. But I dont need that money to buy TV or VCR or a home. She should donate her full salary to the charities and she does that too. Why should she waste her education (India has given that) just by sitting at home and watching tamil movies.

Start something today. I am not asking you to donate 10000 dollars today. Just start with $100 a month and make it a habit. I mean habit not an expense. If your parents are old give the money to them and ask them to donate. Tell them that they should not try to save it for something else and they have to donate that in the same month.

You are achieving two good things here. One you are achieving your wish and making your parents also happy and satisfied.

Try it out. All you need is a big heart and nothing else.

I have a big Hundi in my home and keep putting money in that. I let my daughter put in that, my wife put in that for them to get the habit. In my INdia trip, I may not have enough cash for my charities,. This money helps me a lot to meet the charities and I always keep it separate.

Just try.. Nothing else. Dont stop with one time. It should become a habit. Get more volunteers. Let them do that by their own.

If you need helps let me know.
Thanks and best of luck,
Hi totsnag

Got your problems. You are complicating the stuff. Dont complicate it and identifying the right people etc. A hungry stomach is a hungry stomach. You just need to feed it.

If God has put his measurements and tell only good people will get H1B and GC and be in US, most of us might not have got here. I know there are much better people there back in India. God has given you an opportunity and the muscles and courage to help others.

You dont need to be too selective. Give it to others. Do you admire any of your teachers (primary, secondary or higher secondary). Just go to his home and give him 1000 rupees and tell him that it should go to a deserving student. He will do that.

Dont complicate giving with selection. God is not partial and he doesnt want you to be partial.

best of luck.
Well said....my thoughts

Niceguy I appreciate your thoughts on \'high thinking and simple living\'. Indeed in today\'s world one is filled with materialism and the greed never ends. I really appreciate your work..keep it up.
     As far as my thought goes, today in India what people lack is sense of direction,motivation they have developed an attitude of \'chalte hai\'. The best remedy I could think of is education. We need to educate as many people as possible. This would definitely eradicate the ignorance and motivate to do something new.
   I have also been giving charities after I have come to this country. I would like to thank God for giving me an opportunity to do so. I don\'t know if I would be doing the same thing if I was in India. I have learnt a lot new in this country, it has shaped my thoughts and idealogy made me more spiritual better individual.
   After all it takes lots of sincerity and humbleness in giving somebody something that is needy.
Its better that we take the GC than it going to MidEast or Paki Terrorist

Its better that we take the GC than it going to MidEast or Paki Terrorist. Its better that GOOD guys take the GC then it falling in the hands of Bad guys.

And I agree with NiceGuy. So far I have only sent money to my family
to take them from Rental to Ownership house. But in bigger scenario
it helped my country\'s economy to a small extent.

Now I too would think beyond my family....

So Good guys don\'t give up. Fight back .. indirectly you are keeping out the Bad guys.
I got the same

feeling . appreciate your thoughts. I did contributes some money to school in my home town. I want to help the poor people and also want to educate the fanatics of any religion to go for peace instead of killing . Hope some day I will achieve my dreams !!
I think we should all get together

The fact is no one can help our nation than we ourselves. We should form a non-profit front organization of NRI\'s which will collect donations from people here and use it for good causes like education and healthcare back home. I have always believed education is the best gift one can give to another person. Once a person has that he is on his own and the whole generation that follows is set. What is $100 or some thing like on some regular basis for all of us. We would blow that kind of money on a pair of clothes or food in a restaurant.
A good start

Thanks to you all. When I started this thread I was not sure how many people it will trigger for good causes. I am happy that it has got attention of more than 4 people.
This is a good start. Charity starts at home. Start doing good things. Be a model by yourselves to others. Dont wait till you get big amounts. Start it today with a dollar. A country\'s prosperity is measured by the dollars that is spent on education and health. Pick your favourite and start today.
What I started is just a spark of fire. I want it to grow big. This is the time youth have money. That will make the fire big.
Spread charity. Spread love. Spread peace.
may God bless you all with all your dreams come true.
Thanks a lot. See you all.
Woburn, MA
Keep it up folks

We should all follow the example set by nice guy.

He is really a "LuckyGuy" becasue his wife shares his ideas.
Hi gentrig.. Where are you

I lived in Bethlehem/Allentwon PA for three years (1997-2000). Probably you may know me. Send me email with phone numbers. I will call you back.
Goodwork Niceguy

Nice guy
I 100% accept your ideas. Infact we have a charity here in NJ which is founded in 1995 and helping Poor children who do not have parents
We have about 60 children now(20 in Andhra Pradesh, 20 in Orissa-cyclone orphans and we are taking 20 more in Gujarat)earthquake victims) the fund is completly managed by swami Chinmayananda trust.

There will be walk-a-thon on every 1st sunday after labor day.The money collected will be sent to india and will be deposited in the name of HELP Foundation which will take care of the poor orphan\'s
cloths,books, food up to age of 21. Any body is interesed can go to
H - Health and
E - Education for
L - Less
P -Priviliged

Apart from this I am thinking of building a room for elementaly,highschool and for my college where I studied up to graduation by paying nothing.
Thanks for your concerns. Friends Please don\'t forget your country once you are done with GC. Please tell good things about your country to your children. Please also try to take them once in every 2 years.
Niceguy you did really great thing. Keep up the good work my friend.

No Title

It is good to know that there are few people who think about their country. Yes I agree with SSvassan and few others
 that one should do his duty to help the needy people. Few people are lucky and few or not to prosper in their lives. It is easy to blame a government or some people responsible for creation of jobs for all. But given the situation in third world countries, it needs
a helping hand. I am optimistic that few decades from now or few centuries from now, the whole world will be a better place to live.

While I was in India, I started to help few people. But I did not continue the same. I have been thinking for some time to
resume and this thred has given me a inspiration. I think a good place to start is education.

Keep continue all your good work and please accept my thanks

With regards
let\'s give a try

it\'s nice to read and know these things.it really thrown something in me. i will also try to do something.