Just now I got the line to speak to INS officer


Registered Users (C)

Just now I got the line to speak to INS officer. My RD is 06/05/2001. She told that my case is on it\'s way to the officer\'s table. May I know what does it mean? Is there is any difference b/w pending and on it\'s way to the officer.
485 receipts

After 180 days i changed my employer. Now i contacted new employer\'s lawyer, he is asking about my I485 receipts, but unfortunately i don\'t have those, my old employer/Old lawyer is not providing those, so how we can handle this situation ?
akasapu, if you don\'t the copy of I485 receipt notice, you can ask your previous lawyer again.

There are two ways to approacj the issue:
1. Approach the previous lawyer with friendly smile and talk to
him/her cooly and get the work done.

2. The traditional and American way:
You have the right to get documents
using legal approach. Since you hired him as an attorney and
you have the right to fire him too. When you fire, you can
legally ask him to return all your custodial documents back to you!.
Your current attorney should be able to help you here!.

Good Luck buddy!.
I-485 receipts

Thanks for your reply. I tried for 1st way already, my lawyer is telling you paid 50% to your employer, so you should ask your employer only, If you paid directly to me, then you ask me.

It is natural if we quit from our employer, they won\'t show favor on us. They are very much annoying on me.

Can we get our 485 status just using with our SSN, last name and first name from customer service number (402) 323 - 7830 ? Or any other phone number we have ?

Right now my lawyer started 2nd way. He is submitting G-28. Let\'s see what is going to be happens.
485 receipts

It is really confusing to me. I checked all my documents, but it looks like i didn\'t received. Can we ask INS to send another copy to me ?
RD: Jan 2001, ND : FEB: 2001, still waiting FP:03/2001: 2FP: 06/02

I am still waiting for my approval, i called INS last week when i received my 2nd FP notice. The IIO told me that my case was still pending and not assigned to an officer, in that case, "How can i get a 2nd FP notice"?? Any ideas ?????????

I am very very very disgusted now......