Just heard TSC Approval


Registered Users (C)
Hi folks, just dial TSC and AVM says mine and my wife cases have been approved on Jan 4, the letter will be mailed. BTW, my case details:
I140-filed 8/99 (EB-1 outstanding Researcher category), aprroved 9/99
I485 ND 12/99, RD 01/00, FP 03/00
Approved 01/04/01 (according to AVM)

Thanks for all inputs by all of you and putting our morale always high in the painful situation of GC process.
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Congrats! Did the AVM ever say file not found for you before the approval? Also did you do anything special to expedite the process.

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Yes. From the month of June to the last of week of Nov 00, the AVM said the case not found, then it started saying the the case has been recieved -------it takes 240 to 365-----all usual things. I know why are you asking this thing i.e change of message related to progress of the file. I also tempted to relate this with mine case. Not sure, how is it relevant, but I have a feeling that means something. Like in the month of June, when called to IIO, she said that file is peding for review in the work distribution area. Further I called in September, the lady told me the file is in the work station since july 28. Lastly I called in the 2nd week of December, the lady told me that file is with officer since Dec14 for final decision.
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Hi Houston007,
  I was thinking of applying under the Outstanding Researcher
category too, and I was wondering what sort of supporting
documents you submitted, and what kind of achievements you
showed to qualify for that category. Any other tips/help you
can provide would be really appreciated.
Ashok R.
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Ashok R.
Did you notice the date of post by Houston007? It is back in January! I dont think he/she bothers to look at this board any more. However, for your information, you will need to show permanent job, good reccomendation letters, publication record, other scholarly activities etc.