Just came out of print,,The bill is H.R. 1268.

At least the Cap Removal still there with is good news for us( poor asylees)

[Struck out->] (f) Removal of Caps- Section 209 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1159) is amended-- [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (1) in subsection (a)(1)-- [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (A) by striking `Service' and inserting `Department of Homeland Security'; and [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (B) by striking `Attorney General' each place such term appears and inserting `Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General'; [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (2) in subsection (b)-- [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (A) by striking `Not more' and all that follows through `asylum who--' and inserting `The Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General, in the Secretary's or the Attorney General's discretion and under such regulations as the Secretary or the Attorney General may prescribe, may adjust to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence the status of any alien granted asylum who--'; and [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (B) in the matter following paragraph (5), by striking `Attorney General' and inserting `Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General'; and [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (3) in subsection (c), by striking `Attorney General' and inserting `Secretary of Homeland Security or the Attorney General'. [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (g) Effective Dates- [<-Struck out]

[Struck out->] (1) The amendments made by paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a) shall take effect as if enacted on March 1, 2003. [<-Struck out]
It looks like there is a compromise. This is probably the best we can hope for. At least they are toning down the asylum provisions. And the cap removal is there.
Remeber the white house response about real id act and asylum

White house (or Mr bush) supports the real id act if the cap on adjustment for pr for asylee is lifted.... i think it was a part of white(or grey) house press release couple of week or month back... so i believe they will keep cap removal part in the bill becasue it is mr bush who has to sign the bill and he is the President ;) of the USA already mentioned about supporting the bill if the cap is lifted... i hope :confused:

I did a bit more research, and looks like the act was indeed passed, but it is not known when the USCIS will implement the act. Am I right?
tingting said:
I did a bit more research, and looks like the act was indeed passed, but it is not known when the USCIS will implement the act. Am I right?
Ting-ting-ting-ting-ting-ting why don't you do some more research and find out that's old news....
samoel said:
Ting-ting-ting-ting-ting-ting why don't you do some more research and find out that's old news....

You're really funny. :)

You have to forgive me for knowing too little too late. I was asking for a friend of mine, who heard about the news but wasn't too sure about it. I also felt this sounded too good to be true.

In any case, she's waiting to be granted the asylum status, so that she can use I730 to get her son into this country. This seems to take forever, but now, looks like happiness is within reach. I just want to help her make sense of the news and have some estimation of when she could possibly get her status approved and file the I730 form. Or, is it possible to file the I730 now, since the act has already been approved? Any comment or additional news are welcome. Thank you.