just called iio, hint for 270 series waiters...


Registered Users (C)
First time I called, hit the redial button about > 300 times, wait another 30 mins, and got a strange guy (but fair, I think)

He said that they are processing April applicants now, and ours is August (they go by ND). It will be about 4-5 months from now before we expect approvals.

He mentioned that all fingerprints are good and collected. I asked whether all background checks are cleared, he mentioned that he couldn\'t get that info from the screen.

Has the case been assigned to office, he mentioned no, but even if it has, the officer will not do anything since they are focusing to clear April applicants now.

I also ask whether he sees any problem with the application. He mentioned that there is no problem, the only problem is they have too many of 485 applications to process.

He ask to call/expect approval in September 2002. He made a comment that I am in good shape, just need to hanging in there just a little longer.

Can we believe the guy?
I donot think iIIO is giving correct info

He gave you the standard reply as per the JIT report.
We have had IIO\'s in the past who had said earlier that they are processing 01.01.10 now (when 485 JIt date was 01.01.01).
We all know that CSC is processing Sept NDs now (atleast till couple of weeks back).

No Title


Yes, most of the info given by IIO is just plain standard answer. But by reading in-between lines, one part sounds a bit strange though! "...even if it the case is assigned, the officer will not do anything since they are focusing to clear April applicants now.." It makes sense to some extent. Note that recently since April 9th there aren\'t any regular approvals! Probably INS is refocusing on clearing backlogs starting April cases. Note that in latest JIT the date is stopped at 04/01/2001, and we know that few April cases are still stuck some where in between. So now probably they are working on clearing them first... and if they do, that it is good thing in my openion.

my 2 cents

I expect that CSC is organised into different sections

mail room/sweeping crews/iio\'s/adjudicating officers

Now the adjudicating officers will not go and search for cases. They will only act on cases that are given to them by senior officers etc etc. The searching for the files etc etc and getting them back on track could not be their job. As such many april cases are not pending.

So what are adjudicating officers doing if they are not approving cases is still a mystery to me.

Looking at the fact that very few cases are being approved or any news coming regarding rfe also leads me to wonder as to what those officers are doing - have they been assigned to work on other cases like family based cases or I-140\'s or something else ?

Hey - no concrete news - just pure speculation
No Title


I did consider the point that CSC may be focusing in some other areas but there isn\'t much activity w.r.t. I-140s (I already checked CSC I-140 related threads), APs, and EADs too!

The only thing I could think of is (as I wrote in my previous note) they are trying to clear backlog of prior months cases. Note that in the month of April there are several 245(i) related cases (remember how much delay it caused in issuing receipts for other cases around that time). I don\'t know how family based cases are processed but most of them may be family based etc and obviously 245(i) means more questions and we don\'t have any data for those type cases on this board. So even if several approvals come for those types of cases still we won\'t see any of them on this board!

Around the time when AOS processing date moved to 01/01/2001 also some what similar thing happened where several old cases got approved/processed. Probably this time CSC could come only upto 04/01 because after that this big block of cases stopped it going any further! It is also possible that there may be some issues w.r.t. these 245(i) cases and now may be all officers are asked to focus on those cases...

here is another thought about approvals...

Q. How does some one know that their case is approved?
A. By calling AVM (and probably AVM has some serious problems! Note that several people recently reported that even after receiving approval letter by mail the AVM was still not updated!). May be CSC is trying to fix AVM.

Q. If it is the case then since it takes only 3 to 5 days for approval to come by USPS! Shouldn\'t we see some approvals by today?
A. May be tax filings season delayed USPS mail some what! If this is the case today or tomorrow we should see some approvals! We know that Christmas mail traffic slows down USPS a bit (which is n-n) but I am not sure if this IRS mail traffic has any impact on it (note that all the mail is just collected and delivered to IRS directly which is some what n-1 traffic).

Just a thought :)
the iio made a comment that

I should hang in there for another 4-5 months.... certainly hope that approval is coming sooner than September....
Another general comment Su

He must have made that comment because your ND maybe 4-5 months after 04.01.
I am sure you will get approved much before September.
Good Luck.

I mean I was 265 and got approved more than a month ago so yours shouldn\'t be that late and my ND was in late Aug.

for the encouraging words. Really want to receive receipt notice and stamps in the passports..... Thanks again....
i believe

that there is an area of expertise of every individual and that the
adjudicating officers cannot really do other things like mail room sorting or something like that.

They can only process cases like \'I-485\' employment based or family based or I-140 cases

They may have been given instructions like

guys please concentrate now on issuing rfe\'s
or concentrate on family based cases

They have 15 officers at CSC - If they would have transferred 10 of them to other duties at least we would see some trickle of approvals.

But nothing - no approvals and no rfe\'s

Guess something big is going on at CSC

My 2 cents
My WAC is 262 and I am still waiting?

FP was done is 2nd week of December.

God only knows how CSC operates.

My friend had RD of Sept 17th and ND of Sept 27 and he did FP on 23rd Feb 2002.
Guess What? He got approved on 04.04.02 and I am still waiting.

What can you say?

One interesting observation...

ID problems on this board (you may say, ...yah, yah.. nothing new about it, several people already reported/speculated about it)! But here is waht I observed...

Note that most of the "approvals only posts" were from one time mailers "saying that so far I was just read only visitor to this board, now want to share my approval info etc." kind of. So if some one wants to post their approval they first need to create an ID on this board. When user enters info to create and ID on this board it says

"You have been registered as a provisional user. You will receive an email message shortly telling you how to become a full user. Your registration is complete."

Previously after this message it use to allow users to immediately start posting messages on this board, but now it is NOT, it seems the system is changed so that the confirmation is required to start posting! App. a month back even though I got same message it didn\'t send any confirmation message to my e-mail address specified. I recently got it (after app. 40 days for my new ID) I too had problem posting messages but once I responded to that message it started allowing me to post message with my new ID!

So may be those one time posters are not visiting back after confirming their ID to post their approvals, so sure it can make a big impact on that number of approvals as well as number of messages/activity on this board!

- PCee
No Title

The Move we saw on CSC, I think it is not that good. Because as we know in April they had big mail room problem any body who applied in APril received the receipt very late ( may be some or lucky) I want to see the next move on CSC (Which probably after 2-3 Months). I think that move will be around SEP (Clearing all 01- cases) After that It will be normal (i.e. We may see approval in 6 months ). Infact their aim is also that to see 485 clearing out in 6 months. What U guys think
485 by 6 months ...

I heard that by the end of the current fiscal year 2000 i:e September 30th INS has a target that it should have no backlog of cases for more than 6 months.So people with March 2002 ND can expect there adjudication by the end of September....Lets see whether INS meets its targets or not ...
New regulations to address AC21 law to be issued soon....

As I understand it, there will be new regulation to address AC21 law soon. From Murthy site, she advised not to make significant activities until the regulation is issued. Anybody know when the new regulation is due, the impact to current applicants and people who currently under AC21 provisions? Impact to the CSC?