Just a question on Advance parole.

Raju in Philly

Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends,
I recently received 2 original copies of my Advance Parole and my question is would it be okay if I take only one of the copy with me (Instead of both) to India and the other copy can be bought by my wife since we both travel a month apart? God forbid if something goes wrong like I loose my AP in India or it gets stolen or something happens to it we have other copy as a back up. I will be leaving from Newark to Mumbai (Bombay). When I leave from the US does the airline check if I have 2 copies or one? Do they stamp the AP’s? Would I have problems boarding plane in Frankfurt with just one AP copy? While returning to the US I will have both the copies since me and my wife are travelling together. Thank you so much for your response friends. I really appreciate it.


AP is not that scary as it sounds. L would suggest that take both original copies and leave the photo copies at home with your wife (in case you lose it). No, airline does not check how many copies do you have when you are going to Mumbai. Airline would check when you fly back to the States and at the POE as well. So, do not worry about it and take both of them with you and enjoy the travel. Have a great time.
Advance parole question

Hi Flman95,
Thank you so much for your response. My other question to you is I have heard that the Indian immigration officers in Mumbai are not used to seeing a Advance Parole they are used to seeing US VISA on a passport. Is it true that since they don’t know what a AP is they give a hard time?. Have you known anyone who has faced this problem? Considering that lot of Indians travel to the US from Bombay I am sure a significant number use AP and it not always the US VISA. Any thoughts on that please? Once again thank you so much for your input.
Advance Parole

The Indian Immigration officers do know what an Advance Parole is as lot of Indians travel on AP. So dont bother about that.
I had the same concern as yours about wheather to carry all the copies of AP while travelling to India. Both me and my wife got 3 original copies of AP from the UCICS. I was confused as to why they sent us three and am still confused.
When my wife went to India she carried all the three so as to play safe. On return she only showed one and the officer stamped it and let her go. It was a breeze. She did not have any problems anywhere.
So my conclusion is that you only need to carry one. However I have heard different from other. One version was that you carry all with you and the immigration official at US port will take one when you return, but will demand to see all the three. This did not make much sense.

Better play safe and carry all the original copies of AP. Keep photcopies at home in case you are worried you might loose all of them. If you have not lost your passport until now then you surely wont loose your AP.
Advance Parole and POE

Hi neocor,
Thank you so much for your response. WOW reading your post made me a lot relaxed. Glad to know that Indian officers know what a Advance Parole is. After all they see a million people a day so I am sure they see them a lot. I was just not that sure Anyway thank you so much. By the way I got only 2 original copies of AP (may be they really like you :) ). Glad to know that your POE experience was a breeze. I have heard once you land in the US they take AP applicants in a separate room. Anyway did you fly to Bombay? I am leaving from Newark to Bombay and return. Thank you so much for that info. God bless.
Ps No by grace of god I have never lost anything and I would like to keep it that way. I just want to be safe then sorry you know what I mean right?
Advance Parole

Well I dont know if I am lucky or not. I heard most of my friends who got AP got three copies. Actually I received 2 copies directly and my company received one copy which they sent to me eventualy.
And my wife's trip was Newark to Bombay, and yes they take AP people to separate room at the POE, that makes it even more easier/faster I guess.
Have a nice trip.
Newark/Bombay Experience please

Hi neocor,
Can you and your wife please share your general experience at the airport in Newark and Bombay. I mean what Exactly happens in Newark once you land? Can my USC wife come with me too? Or does she HAVE to go in USC line in Newark airport? Do they ask questions? When we leave the US from Newark do they take I-94 from my passport? I am sorry to ask these million questions. I just would like to know from people who have been through this. This is my first ever trip after 9/11 and first time using AP so just a little nervous that is all. Thanking you in advance. I really appreciate it.
As I said before I did not travel only my wife did. According to her she was asked to go to a separate room as she had the Advance Parole. She handed over her passport and one copy of the AP and was asked to sit for 5-10 minutes. She was called when her turn came and the officer just stamped on the AP and the new I-94 on the passport and let her in, that's it. Absolutely no questions asked.
As far as Bomby Airport is concerned, she had no problems both ways there too.
Initially I was also very sceptical about travelling on Advance Parole, then realized that I have already spent money on getting the AP therefore no use spending extra money and hassle to get the Visa Stamped at the US consulate in India. AP is the easiest thing to return back to US.