June01 Filers, 11 Approvals This Week. Are U Ready for the Friday? See the List. The 6ers Club.

Another 6er Approved!

Waited for almost 4 years...

PD - 8/98
RD - 6/01/01
ND - 8/13/01
FP - 11/23/01
Approved 2/28/02
EB3 India
Bret, dmif, congratulations ! Please check your PD on your I485 receipt and finger print notice ! We

Thanks GBMGC... I checked ...

Priority Date on my Receipt Notice is blank, but I have Priority Date on my Fingerprint Notice. Hope this helps!
Thank you so much Bret. Same for me, but on finger print notice my PD=RD. Is it same on your finger

Same here...

On my FP notice. PR=RD.
I think 6ers just have to be patient. VSC is still woking on 4/5/6/even 1/2/3 cases.
Our day will come soon.
RFE .. Help RD 6/1


Few minutes back spoke to IIO about my case and itseems RFE was gererated on my case. But they have not given me the specific reason. They said they will mail me the RFE in couple of weeks.

My case is not complecated at all. Same Employer from the begining, EB2, RIR ,RD 06/01/2001, ND 08/06/2001, country India and State MD.

Any one has any idea about what may be the RFE about??/

Please help me.

My PD on finger print notice is same as RD(6/13/01),

but I remember I started my lca in 12/99, not 12/00 at I posted. I actually started first in 10/96, and changed job once. So it\'s a really long process. H1 6 year is up in a few months. Thank god!

Good luck to everyone, hang on!

Sorry for the late post. Was away. Still waiting for the notice in the mail.