June01 Filer Club, Share your detailed info here! The List


Registered Users (C)
This is the new fold for previous "Folks, join June01 filers club and exchange info..", because it is getting too long. Till now we have 60 members and 3 6ers got approved! The second 6er\'s week is coming and I believe we will see some serious approvals for 6ers in this week. Come on, let\'s share our detailed information so that we can see the progress in VSC. Here are what I need:
PD, RD, ND, FP, AD, EB1 or 2 or 3 or other, Country, State, AVM, RFE, Others.
Call IIO and check your AVM.
GBMGC, please add me to the list

PD: 7/98
RD: 06/25/2001
ND: 08/14/2001
FP: 02/11/2001
State: NH
AVM Message: FP results received and processing resumed.
Country: India
Can you add me.

PD - No Idea,
RD - 6/1/01,
ND - 8/6/01
FP - 12/27/01
AD - Waiting
Country - India
State - MD
AVM - "Processing Resumed"
RFE - No
Others - Nothing

Join June Club - Taiwan

Here are case details:
PD: 6/2001
RD: 6/13/2001
ND: 8/9/2001
FP: 12/30/2001
AD: ???
EB3, Taiwan
State NJ
EAC 01-242-
El Liu, for RD 6/01. The list.

Any news so far? Anybody talked to IIO? Anybody\'s Voice Message changed? 65 6ers so far.
Another June Filer Info

RD 06/22/01
ND 08/15/01
FP 12/11/01
AVM FP received and Process Resumed
AD Waiting .....
4 6ers got approved so far among 67 members! New list.

My fellow 6ers, our approvals are on the way! As I said we are going to see some serious 6er approvals in this week! A good start for 6ers\' week 2! Check your AVM, call IIO! We don\'t wait, we make it happen!
My details

PD: 9/98
RD: 6/22/01
ND: 8/10/01
FP: 11/3/01
EAC: 01-243---
June filer - no FP yet

RD 6/10/01
ND 8/07/01
EAD - August - don\'t remember exact date

Country - Other
Please change my ND, it was wrong in the list

Should be:
henry 6/18 8/13 11/24 China EB2 EAC-01-244 "process resume"
