June had been Approval Month in 2004


Registered Users (C)
June had been Approval Month in 2004 - Added More Stats Statewise

Hi Guys

June had been gr8 Month compared to last 2-3 months
I was seeing in Rupnet and around 115 cases or pple have posted there Approval on Rupnet

Here is the Trend

2001 Case - 7
Jan 2002 - 3
Feb 2002 - 12
Mar 2002 - 14
Apr 2002 - 18
May 2002 - 5
June 2002 - 9
July 2002 - 7
Aug 2002 - 4
Sep 2002 - 11
Oct 2002 - 7
Nov 2002 - 3
Dec 2002 - 5
2003 -3

I think Feb 2002 , Mar 2002 and April 2002 ( around 40% in all) Guys, be on watch Out
Also as more Stats , This is based on Rupnet data Only to give you you an Idea about States. This month New Jersey topped
NJ - 40 Approvals
MA - 10
PA - 6
IL -5
CT - 4
NY -3
MD - 2
DE -1
KS -1

Obviously other ppl didn't put there State.
This should give you an Idea how trends look like

You will be approved soon
Also other GC Waiters Hope for the best That July bring lot of Cheers to everyone and we see overwheliming Approvals
I had said in one of my thread that at end of June 2004 we will see flood of Approvals, I hope same hold true for coming month and all my friends are approved fast

All the Best
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EAC02-159 series

I have seen a few cases in this series been transferred to local offices after RFEs were received. Unbelievable!!!

Anybody in this series still waiting? Please share info.

RD: March 2002
ND: April 2002
1st FP: July 2002
2nd FP: October 2003
RFE RD: March 2004
AD: ???????
I agree that June was a pretty good month. Lot of well known people got approvals. If they (INS) can improve on this month, then we can see lot more approvals in July. Oh, i am very eagerly waiting for my approval.
I think we're going to see a lot of approvals in coming months. Especially Feb, March, April 2002 cases will be wrapped up in the next 2 months IMO.
So, all you guys having RDs in those months, wait for the big tide to come shortly.

My radar spots a big VSC storm coming thru that'll sweep you all to the shore of approvals. Hang in there.
and .... I will wait for my day!

Not able to understand what I did wrong by replying my RFE in timly manner :( :mad:
re: approval month

i dont really agree with your findings. i am tracking rd feb 13th, 2002 cases, and it has been quite a bad month. especially towards the end of the month - in fact, there have been MANY transfers recently and very few approvals. and the approvals we did have were after RFE - i can remember only one case that got approved w/o RFE. and just to make it clear, most of the transfer cases were also after RFE!

i do think they are trying to move the dates forward - but by simply moving all cases to local offices - at least that is what i currently observe!

it is true though that towards the end of the month there were few RFEs - maybe they simply transfer you instead now?
June 04 is the best so for in this year

June was great, hopefully upcoming months will be better.

I thought many feb02 got approved, but rupnet shows only 10....
Sample Oct 2002 - June touched

EAC0301251389 Transferred 6/30/2004
EAC0301251254 Transferred 6/29/2004
EAC0301251324 Transferred 6/29/2004
EAC0301251380 Transferred 6/29/2004
EAC0301251508 Transferred 6/29/2004
EAC0301251561 Transferred 6/10/2004
EAC0301251165 Transferred 5/27/2004
LIBDAY said:
I have seen a few cases in this series been transferred to local offices after RFEs were received. Unbelievable!!!

Anybody in this series still waiting? Please share info.

LIBDAY: I am new. Why do some cases need to be transferred to local office? Thanks. IC
true....approvals are coming in but where is mine. :(

Two years after filing 485......9 months since my FP1 expired......5 months since I applied for 3rd EAD......i hear only silence and see darkness.

Feel so left out like a basta$$ on father's day. :mad: :mad: :mad:
You will get Approved soon
VSC is sending good signal and if your Date Range is in sight of VSC Radar expect Approval anytime soon

It seems USCIS are working very hard...!! Please do not give up your hope. You might be the next...!
Our I-485 of March 2002 have been approved on June 30! Good luck to everybody who is still waiting!! :)

RD: 03/13/2002
ND: 04/09/2002
FP1: 05/30/2002
FP2: 11/05/2003
RFE issued : 04/19/2004
(RFE for: last 2 years' tax returns with W-2s + employment letter + 3 months paystubs)
RFE replied: 05/30/2004
AD: 06/30/2004