June 99, Aug 99, Sep 99, Oct 99 NDs please register here

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ND: OCT 15, 1999
FP: O3/01/01

Still Waiting. Every time the IIO\'s give different answers. I contacted Hiallry Clinton\'s office and submitted my paper works.
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talked to iio in morning.
says case approved on 6/15
avm stil says 540 days...

Please call and confirm ....

All the best
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PD 12/97 ND Sep/99 RFE for employment letter Rfe recd 01/30 Redo I - 140 applied name change case on hold
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My wife\'s case is still pending, actually it has not even been assigned to an officer yet.
Rd 10/99
Nd 11/99
Mine approved in 5/01, hers appears no hope.