June 2002 no FP

I called last week and talked with a CSR on the phone. I was told an inquiry will be sent out for my case. Today I got this update:

On January 13, 2005, we responded to your request for more information
concerning your case. If you have not received our response within 30
days from this date, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

I am not sure what is in it for me. I will keep everyone udpated.
For me, it looks like a response to the inquery issued by NCSC. Please do update us once you get something. Thanks.
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Whats with contacting the centers directly

When I spoke with the CSR I had asked her as to whether I could talk to the Service Center directly and she told me that I could not. So how come on
lawyer Murthy's website she said that now we can talk to the Service Center directly. I was thinking that by speaking to the Service Center directly it may help me get some more info but I was surprised that Murthy's info was wrong.
Any comments, anyone

ND Oct 2002

This is an update:
As of today, I have not received anything regarding the January 13th mail.

I filed address change in 2003. Early this month, My wife got her FP notice which went to our old address in December 2004 but, for whatever reason, came to our new address in January. Because of that, I called to ask my case since that time I did not have any FP. The person on the phone helped me udpate my address as well as request information for the case. Shortly after that, my status changed to what is in my initial post.

I just found out today that my FP notice went out too in December 2004 to my old address. I never got anything so far but my lawyer has a copy - he never contacted me at all during this time. I called him this morning, and found out he has a copy of my FP notice!

So I still do not know what is in that mail for me or when I will receive it.