July Cases !


Registered Users (C)
Why all these July approved case are being reported thru friends & relative. Why can\'t relevant person update the information. Though I do not hold any disregard for any of those people who reported these cases here, but some how when some one else reports some one\'s case, it becomes less authentic. But this just my opinion, no offense guys.
Relevent persons do not care you and me.

The relevent person do not care you and me. But his friends cares us, we should appreciate them.
There are many who think its a waste of time.

People like me and you who care, post the details of their friends too. There is no need to be suspicious. Let\'s have trust in everyone. Nobody is going to gain anything by spreading false rumors.
When one slave gets freedom, they can\'t help waiting to share with other slaves!! God bless all sla

I have seen many fake messages here, but

I posted my friend\'s detail just for information, I am sure this will enlighten many guys..keeps their hopes
Good luck to all

My case not yet passed FP Line, but it gives me hopes too
They are not fake ! all looks real..many people dont know about this forum thats why their friends a

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This whole forum is running on trust. Yesterday, evening I posted approval of my friend\'s case RD 07/05/2001 and that was not fake. I posted because he is not member of this forum but I told to post his info and he posted his info in the same thead.

I posted his info because he is very good friend of mine and above all, it\'s happiness that I wanted to share with everyone.

My RD 07/02/2001 and I am still waiting.