PLease add me in the list

My case:
RD July 11, ND August 24, FP 11/23/01,
AVM: FP received on January 14, processing resumed
Please add my info

Please add my name into your July list. PD = ??, RD/ND = 07/05, FD = 12/15, EB2 Chicago Can not get any other info since my employer doesn\'t give me any application number or anything else to track directly with INS. Hopefully we, July filers, get approved in the next month.
List Updated

dname, How did u do your finger prints, if your employer did not give anything for you? Do u get it? You should have the FP notice and there you can see the A# number. Call VSC @ 8025274913 and talk to IIO about case status by giving this A#. You can also get the EAC# and ND from them. Simple.
I-485 ..... A P P R O V E D ....................... What a wait it was !!! (RD 07/23)

Finally heard the musical words just now. Couldn\'t believe my ears.
AVM said \'Case has been approved on March 25th and the notice has been mailed \'

Folks, I never talked to any IIO. That was one good advice I found on this site although occasionally I would check the AVM.

My frequent info points have been this site & www.immgration-law.com of Savita Harjani (this site has some of the latest updates) and the last few weeks has seen me being active on MILK\'s July Thread.

A BIG THANK YOU TO --- MILK (our local coordinator) and of course RAJEEV KHANNA for giving us this wonderful site.

Me & my wife both were approved together.

Good Luck to all , your Approval is coming. I wish, all of you the very best.

PD : 11/99
RD : 07/23/2001
FP : 01/10/2002
AP : 03/25/2002

add me to the list of july

EAC user PD RD ND FP Cat/Country/St AVM
275 gc0730 01/00 07/30/01 09/20/01 01/12/02 EB3/India/NJ/Resumed
add me too...

PD 4/2000
RD 7/11/2001
ND 8/24/2001
FP 11/28/01
EAC# 01-254-XXXX

akki99 mine is also FP-12/13/2001 still says pending review ? why is that

RD 07/12 EB3/PA/IND ..waiting approval
Dont forget to change your clocks !!! , Is Friday Hoilday for VSC ???

TIPs for I485 filers !!!
We all knows that checking AVM messages are like playing Gambling in Atlantic city , i mean if you addict to these things then you are inviting Tension yourself . here are some Tips
a) Have Coffee ..relieves mental Tension
b) try watching any Comedy Movies
c) Involve your self deeply in any work
d) Do some shopping or just go around
e) avoid Frequent discussions on GC issues
f) Check your AVM\'s only once in three days do not check 4 times a day ....anybody has any ideas let us know

- its toooooo loooooong guys i don\'t know when we all are going to hear those Musical and Magical Words ..wish you good luck to all of you . Dont forget to change your clocks
garla, you got that right

this gc thingy is giving me a lot of mental stress. every morning i tell myself not to dial that freaking 802--- number, but somehow i land up checking the avm atleast couple of times a day.

have a good weekend!!!
PP Stamped

First a message to rohanmansingha - I have been a visitor to this site for a long time but the first time I posted was a requisition to inlcude my name in Milk\'s list (ven2002) since i forgot the password I created a new user id. I just thought my approval information might be helpful for others...since I have benefited from others\' postings...

We went for PP stamping last Monday and everything went fine..except for the long horrible wait...The time indicated in our approval notice was 7:30 to 11:00...we went around 10:30 and our passports were stamped only at 4:00 p.m.
 So I would advise people to start out early...