Jony Lever, rjngh2000, Other Dec.29 AVM Message waiters...


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There are some mid-April and May filers who have been approved recently. Is this good news? I hope so. I am April filer and still waiting, and currently Dec 29 resumed message in AVM. Hope our Dec 29 messg changes to approval.
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i think DEC 29 batch is the first batch where message is changed to " processing resumed."
so we can expect approvals.
No, I don\'t think so. Flood of AVM changes just means the opposite.

Jony Lever, be logical. It\'s just much easier to get AVM changed than get cases approved :) It\'s a big batch for AVM change, too big to "map" it to approval ...
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I agree that it is hard to predict. But I am trying to be optimistic. Lets see.
Jony, my AVM says "...on Dec 27...processing resumed". So, Dec 29 is not...

the first date that the processing resumed message surfaced. I also recall Bongo saying that his message says resumed on Dec 21. Like I have been maintaining all along, processing resumed message only probably means that the case is adjudication-ready. There is no direct correlation to the date on that message and the case being assigned. Also, there is no set time limit when your case will be adjudicated after FP done. It has been almost 10 weeks since I did my FP and I believe that I am a good 2 months away from being assigned. So it will probably be 5 to 6 months from date of FP to adjudication in my case.

Even now, month of RD is still the best barometer of progress. I also think that at any point of time we would see approvals from an RD window of 3 consecutive months. I also do not think country has any bearing on INS processing(this does not include background checks) even post 9-11. Yes, there will probably be more stringent background checks for applicants from certain countries. That may delay a case even before it becomes adjudication-ready. But, once a case is adjudication-ready, I don\'t see what INS will do on their own to perform any other background checks. So, if the "processing resumed" message means that all background checks have been completed, I don\'t see what else stands in the way of assignment and adjudication of such cases, other than Month of RD and INS processing priorities. I firmly think that the I-485 division is concentrating on priorities other than EB AOS cases. Thatcould explain the fast deceleration in the speed of processing.
i agree with dee rod

processing resumed means \'background check done\'
it is not sure when case gets assigned to officer.
I have a strict policy.
I only check avm once a week.
on a set day of the week.