Jony Lever frustrated--Mssage DID NOT change to APPROVAL

Jony Lever

Registered Users (C)
what is going on?
my message remains same for the whole week.
On Dec29 Fp received..processing resumed....
my patience is being tested.. i am being frustrated..what is going on..i feel like pulling hair (on my head-:))
I am also with you !!

you are not alone man , we are also with you. This is very frustrating period now I am alos so much frustrated that I am losing my hope and belief in god. I am in no better position than you to tell take it easy, but hope things get better in another couple of days????
Go out , enjoy!!
guys if u r upset exercise and this will help u to get tired and go to sleep and relax

Jony Lever and Venky, you are both spoiled children of gods :)

How old are you guys? Compared to you I may be qualified to be called an old fox :) Like I said, my men, everything of our life is like a coin with both obverse and reverse sides. There\'s no good, or bad. If you really want to get out of the sufferings of heart, you got to go beyond all this, overpassing it. Your heart is your happiness, wherever your heart is, wherever your happiness is. You are a man, and your happiness is not controlled by this material world.

This is my belief as a Buddhist. Maybe that\'s why I will never lose my belief to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva from just the frustration of the green card processing :) You still have the life in US. You have your beloved ones. You have a job. You have money to buy yourself a beer or, if you are a devoted Hindu, whatever else you like. You have friends who call you frequently and invite you for parties. You have inherited the great abundance of Indian culture, which started to shine when most of the other people in the world didn\'t even have pants on!

Let me blame you guys as an elder brother. You should feel guilty for your bad mood! Get up buddies! Sooner or later we will get it, and I wish you could focus on the wealth you already have. Don\'t allow INS to ruin your life. Your life is your own life.
henrysh & INS

wonder if INS forced henrysh to give up everything in life and take up spirituality. God, ur postings are too philosophical.....

Good luck buddy :)
I think we got in a very Rough ride

I was more hopeful of a quick approval a month ago than I\'m right now - is INS skipping May/June NDs and start approving later NDs to show quick approvals??

Frustrating????? You bet!!
Jony, I understand your frustration...

But, do not get stressed out over this. After all we have absolutely no control over the workings over at INS. The slow process is inexplicable. Even though I never could rationalize that a flood was coming, I expected a steady trickle at least. Since the I-485 Division also adjudicates family as well as EB cases, they may have focused their priorities on the 245(i) cases that came in, in April. It may afford you little comfort but you, as a MAY RD should be very close to being assigned if not already assigned. Do not set very optimistic expectations and you will be less disappointed. I am a JULY RD and I expect my adjudication to happen in MARCH/APRIL. Therefore, I will not even expect any movement until then. But I will still track movement on a daily basis, though.

I was sceptical about "fatcat"s approval(JUNE RD) until s/he posted that s/he received the approval notice in the mail. Unless fatcat\'s case was an anomaly, it looks like some MAY/JUNE RD cases have been assigned at this time even though there are buku MARCH/APRIL cases that are adjuducation-ready. I am afraid we will see some haphazard pattern over the next few months. At any time approval of cases within a given 3-month window of RD is likely. For example at this time we would be seeing approvals for MARCH/APRIL/MAY RD. Maybe a month later we will see APRIL/MAY/JUNE and so on. Therefore, MARCH/APRIL RD folks need not be unduly worried that they are being passed over whenever they see a MAY RD approval.
Unlucky April Mailers:-(

I am relatively very new to this discussion board. Slowly, I have started
picking up the Abbreviations like RD/ND. My observation is that mid-april
mailres are very unfortunate. Difference between RD and ND is two
months or more. And they are the one who are stuck. We see some
feb/march approvals, but they all seems to be RFE cases. We are
seeing approvals from May/June mailers. It seems INS is biased
against April mailer.
No Title

when? when?? when??? when????? when??????when????????when???????when???????when??????????
when will be my TURN?
I am drinking a lot of Jony Walker -:)
Well Said henrysh :) Life is much much more... Lots of thing out there to be happy with.

Well Said henrysh :) Life is much much more than Green Card and the green card we are going to get sooner or later. This is not something we should bring God in to help us, though praying to God with peaceful mind ( 30 minutes of meditation ) will give us mental peace for the whole day.

Guys enjoy and have fun, GC is in the way already.

Why I\'m saying this : I don\'t have any hairleft on my head to pull:) Kidding.